Saturday 19 July 2014

Why you don’t want what you think you want!

By Aine Belton

Below is an inquiry process that help you to become more conscious of possible blocks and resistances to a given goal or situation in your life.
It can reveal fears, hidden agendas, inner resistance and limiting beliefs you may want to let go of / heal /change.
Choose a goal you desire to manifest and answer each of the questions below in relation to that. Try not to censor, control or over-analyse your answers in the process, just let them flow and be as honest with yourself as possible.
If you don’t think you know the answer, just write down whatever comes to mind. If nothing comes to mind, ask yourself, “If I did know the answer to this question, it would be…” and see what arises :)
Answering these questions may press on buttons within and shed light on areas that you may not have been as conscious of.
Choice is a most powerful tool. Whatever resistances or blocks you reveal, affirm your choice and willingness to move beyond them. 

Affirm and get in touch with your desire for your goal, your deserving, and your ability and willingness to manifest it.
Ask the universe for assistance in healing, releasing and transforming any blocks or resistances that stand between you and what your heart desires.
Perhaps a book, healing, conversation, person, event, inspiration, new perspective, love, fun, connection, action, inspiration, receiving, or “aha” moment will allow transformation and the optimum shift to occur for you to move forward.
Process of Inquiry:
You may want to write down your answers to the below questions, or run them through in your mind for now.
1. If this is a goal you have wanted to manifest already but have not yet, why do you think that might be?
2. What limiting beliefs do you possibly hold that might run counter to and stand in the way of this goal becoming a reality?
3. What do you think your main blocks to achieving this goal are?
4. When you think of this goal, what thoughts and emotions arise for you (positive and/or negative)?
5. When you think of this goal, do you feel any resistance to creating it? If so, what comes to mind?
6. On a scale of 1-10, how deserving of this goal do you feel?
7. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you truly desire this goal?
8. On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to this goal?
9. If your commitment is less than a 10, what might make it a 10?

What are any possible fears around achieving this goal?

11. Why do you want this goal?
12. What qualities do you want this goal to bring/give you physically, emotionally and mentally?
(e.g. Confidence, money, security, peace of mind, power, recognition, success, creativity, expression of self, self-esteem, love, freedom, financial security, authenticity, adventure, tenderness, connection, peace, passion etc)
13. How and in what way would your life be different if you achieved this goal?
14. Are you comfortable with all of the above changes or do any of those changes feel uncomfortable to you? If so, which ones and in what way?

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