Friday 31 January 2014

Thank You for My Heart

January 30: Thank You for My Heart

“Last Thursday, I was able to find the courage to end a relationship I had been struggling with. I knew there was nowhere for it to go, and I was seeing some scary character traits in this person. Now, I am dealing with a lot of sadness. That tells me that the urge we humans have for bonding with each other, and the desire for companionship, must be incredibly strong. I am grateful even more than I am sad.”

It was just a short message on the on-line bulletin board I maintained at the Web site. That’s all the woman needed to say. For me, the lesson was clear and com­plete: be grateful for our hearts.

God, thank you for the ability and desire to love. Love is a cherished gift from you.

Achieving Certainty and Freedom

New Moon of Pisces:Achieving Certainty and Freedom

Welcome to the month of Pisces.

Pisceans are naturally intuitive and psychic, so it’s easy for them to be in two worlds—the physical and the spiritual—at the same time. Not surprisingly, the symbol of this month is two fish swimming in opposite directions.

Pisceans make wonderful friends and can be the most sensitive people of the entire zodiac, a trait that works both for and against them. On the positive side, their kindness and empathy allow Pisceans to cultivate great relationships, but on the negative, they can easily take too much of another’s burden upon themselves; they don’t know where their part ends and the other person’s begins.

The key words for this month are certainty and freedom, and the secret lies in the first of the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments, by the way, are not just a list of do’s and dont'ts. According to the Kabbalists, they are, in fact, ten revelations of energy that can help us access the Divine Light in our lives.

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.”

What is this all about? Is God simply stating something the Israelites—and we—already knew?

The Creator is actually reminding us that the Light force is in you and me and all of humanity. Each and every one of us has the power to alleviate the experience of enslavement in our own lives. We are not just talking here about physical bondage. There is a form of bondage that is intangible—the bondage of wanting to be understood, the bondage of wanting to be something we are not, the bondage of working only to accumulate wealth, the bondage that comes from living solely in the physical, material world.

Think about it. How many of us spend our entire lives trying to get to a goal? How often have we said or thought, “When I am 60, I’ll finally be able to enjoy my kids and my family and all the things I would have done if I had only made the time”? How many of us go through each day just to get to the next day or the time that will finally allow us to live and share and be and do all that we are destined to do? How many of us put off living because we are so busy trying to catch up?

This kind of consciousness is in itself a form of bondage. It is a form of working towards something that may or may not happen. But there is an alternative. The alternative is to inject appreciation and joy into the life we are living right now.

For the next 28 days, when you get out of bed in the morning, say to yourself, “Wow, I can walk and talk! I can do! I can create! I have God inside of me!” Most of the time, we forget these blessings, but the month of Pisces is a perfect time to start to remember and be grateful for them.

The first commandment reminds us to wake up and to have certainty this month. It’s time to move forward with your life and to understand that everything that happens is a way to get closer to the Divine Energy that exists for you and in you.

Chodesh Tov


Owning Your Emotions

Name It and Claim It

by Madisyn Taylor

Whatever the nature of your feelings, carefully define the reaction taking place within you.

Our feelings can sometimes present a very challenging aspect of our lives. We experience intense emotions without understanding precisely why and consequently find it difficult to identify the solutions that will soothe our distressed minds and hearts. Yet it is only when we are capable of naming our feelings that we can tame them by finding an appropriate resolution. We retake control of our personal power by becoming courageous enough to articulate, out loud and concisely, the essence of our emotions. Our assuming ownership of the challenges before us in this way empowers us to shift from one emotional state to another—we can let go of pain and upset because we have defined it, examined the effect it had on our lives, and then exerted our authority over it by making it our own. By naming our feelings, we claim the right to divest ourselves of them at will.

As you prepare to acknowledge your feelings aloud, gently remind yourself that being specific is an important part of exercising control. Whatever the nature of your feelings, carefully define the reaction taking place within you. If you are afraid of a situation or intimidated by an individual, try not to mince words while giving voice to your anxiety. The precision with which you express yourself is indicative of your overall willingness to stare your feelings in the face without flinching. Naming and claiming cannot always work in the vacuum of the soul. There may be times in which you will find the release you desire only by admitting your feelings before others. When this is the case, your ability to outline your feelings explicitly can help you ask for the support, aid, or guidance you need without becoming mired in the feelings that led you to make such an admission in the first place.

When you have moved past the apprehension associated with expressing your distressing feelings out loud, you may be surprised to discover that you feel liberated and lightened. This is because the act of making a clear connection between your circumstances and your feelings unravels the mystery that previously kept you from being in complete control of your emotional state. To give voice to your feelings, you must necessarily let them go. In the process, you naturally relax and rediscover your emotional equilibrium. 

For more information visit

New Seeds of Reality

Guidance from Eileen Caddy
You are My Hands and Feet 
This spiritual life is very practical for unless you live it, it becomes as nothing but empty words without any Life Force. You have to give it force and life by what you do with it, you have to obey the advice and instruction which I give you. You have to give it life, hands and feet, for you are My hands and feet. Without you to work in and through where should I be? You hold a great responsibility in your hands. All those who hear and read My Word and fail to live it are failing in their responsibility. 


Each morning upon returning to your reality from your slumber is the beginning of a new cycle. It is the beginning of the opportunity to shift or transform what does not serve you. It is a fresh slate so to speak.
You can always drag the limitations of the past into this new day. It is a learned habit that does not support your magnificence. Begin to notice your first thought upon awakening. Is it one of celebration and gratitude, of having another period of time to engage in this life and reality, or is it one that calls forth all the worries, concerns and issues that were left behind as you closed your eyes for renewal.
Begin to observe these patterns, not from a place of self-criticism or judgment but simply as an observer. Then from this place of gentle observation, begin to shift your first thoughts that you call forth into your fresh day. Over time you will begin to change old limited patterns and habits of thought.

Beating Myself and Others Up

Beating Myself and Others Up

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am only human, and only human is good enough for me
Today I will be less hard on myself. I will realize that the world isn't out to get me, I am not the center of everyone's universe, and most people are too busy thinking about themselves to want to spend their time focusing on me. Everyone makes mistakes, so what. I will let mine go, knowing I will make more, and will let those go, too. If I feel bad inside about something I did, I will be less critical of myself. I cannot change all at once. When I beat myself up on the inside, eventually I look for a culprit. I can't bear the feelings I am having, so I want to blame them on someone else. Do I feel my indiscretions are unforgivable? Why? Why do I go to such a self-blaming place? It's as if the child inside of me who felt bad gets warmed up and cannot get out of my own self-centeredness and breathe some fresh air. Just for today, I can allow myself to make mistakes and I can allow others to make them, too.

The Promptings of Your Inner Heart

Heavenletter #4803 The Promptings of Your Inner Heart

God said:

You are the authority of your own life. It is yourself to ask, “What will I make of my day today? How will I serve? What blessing will I be today and to whom?”
You have the final nod as to your life as you live it. You have the say of what you make of it.

And, yet, how often you rely on outside parties to decide for you. Now We come to the basic question: Who is responsible for you?

You are. You are responsible for your thoughts, actions, and reactions. You are also responsible for your very Being.

You are also responsible to Me. You are My link to the human world. You serve Me, so We can say you are My servant, My beloved servant, and yet you are far more to Me than servant. You are My beloved. And I am responsible for you. And, yet, you are responsible for yourself.

Because I am responsible for you does not mean that I always respond the way you would like. It may presently be beyond your understanding why I allow what I allow to be. You can only take My Word for it that all that transpires in your life, the wonderful and the unwonderful, are blessings to you. Although I am indeed responsible for you, no longer is it responsible of you to resent or blame Me for how your life plays out.

From the bigger view, what you may call utterly reprehensible, such as the physical death of a loved one, is in your best interest as well as the best interest of your loved one. No matter how terrible an event may seem to be from the world view, it is a blessing. You may not be able to see this at all. You may indeed see the opposite. Yet, upon Me, you can count on.

You do not know all the connections. Everything that occurs is for your growth. No matter how negative something may seem to you and to the world, it is an offering to you. This is the true meaning of “Thy Will be done.” Somewhere, somehow, give Me the benefit of your doubt. I hold your life in My heart and My hands.

Allow Me to be your reference point. Let Me be your guide through life. We are connected. I am not outside guidance. I am inner guidance. I dwell within your heart. I am God within. Of course, I authored you. It is worthy to consult with Me, your Higher Self. And so, when you rely on Me, you are relying on your Self.

You can knock on everyone’s door and get answers, yet I am your Port of Entry into Truth. You can know that the advice I give is advice worth following.

Ah, but what We come to here is your understanding of what I say. Whatever I say has interpretations. You have your interpretations to suit you or for no reason at all except that you interpret so. Or you may interpret accurately. After all, I am your Source. I am not outside you. And you can learn something from Me more than you most likely can learn from someone on your street.

Two squirrels can only talk squirrel talk.

You and I can talk together. Listen to Me. Find your answers within yourself through Me.

What does God say? Refer to Me. Find out, and, as you are able, follow. You do know what is of God and what is of the world. Because there are varieties of interpretations of Me, you can only listen to Me as you understand Me. Listen to your inner heart more than to another individual’s authority. No one knows better than you and I do. Do not bequeath your spiritual life to even experts. No one is wiser than you and I. We are a Team. Yes, come with Me.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Make a Gratitude Box

January 29: Make a Gratitude Box

One day, years after I discovered the power of gratitude, I was feeling stuck, stymied, and ungrateful. Again. After a few minutes of this, I knew what to do. I understood clearly what the remedy for my situation was.

I went to a shop in town and picked out the most beautiful little box I could find. It was silver, with engraving on it. About four inches tall and six inches wide. Then I went home and took out a pad of paper. I tore it into tiny little strips. On each piece of paper, I wrote one thing that was bothering or troubling me—from finances, to work, to love.

When I had finished writing out my troubles list, I started on another one. Now, on each slip of paper, I wrote down the names of people I wanted to pray for, the people I loved, the people I wanted to ask God to bless.

When I finished, I put each little strip of paper in the box. Then, I held the box in my hands and thanked God for everything inside.

I still have my gratitude box. I keep it in plain view. People think it’s just a pretty decoration, but it means a lot more than that to me. From time to time when I feel down, I open the box. I take out one slip of paper, and I practice gratitude for whatever slip I happened to pull out. Sometimes, I pull out a name of someone I want God to bless. For that day my mission is to surround that person with my prayers.

Most of the troubles I put in that box have long since been resolved. But the box is still around to remind me of the power of gratitude.

Do you have some problems in your life today, areas that you can’t seem to resolve? If you don’t already have one, consider making a gratitude box. Remember, there’s a differ­ence between knowing about the power of gratitude and actually applying gratitude in our lives.

God, help me do the things I know will help me to feel better.

Don't Worry

Don't Worry

Don’t worry so much about what goes in your mouth, worry about what goes out of your mouth.
Don’t worry about how “I” feel, worry about how “we” feel. This is how you will get to the place
where you have a sense of unity with your neighbor, and thereby have the right to enjoy the
blessings of the Light in your life and in our world.

When you keep the “regulations,” as it says in the Bible, then G-d will bless the land. Sounds religious, but it doesn’t necessarily meant to always be taken literally. It means be cognizant - all the time -that there is a Light force that transcends the physical world and exists in each and every person.

Who Am I

The Heart of Unknowing

by Madisyn Taylor

The question of who we are is a seed that can bear much fruit if given the chance to unfold.

At some point in our lives, or perhaps at many points in our lives, we ask the question, “Who am I?” At times like these, we are looking beyond the obvious, beyond our names and the names of the cities and states we came from, into the layers beneath our surface identities. We may feel the need for a deeper sense of purpose in our lives, or we may be ready to accommodate a more complex understanding of the situation in which we find ourselves. Whatever the case, the question of who we are is a seed that can bear much fruit.

It can send us on an exploration of our ancestry, or the past lives of our soul. It can call us to take up journaling in order to discover that voice deep within us that seems to know the answers to a multitude of questions. It can draw our attention so deeply inward that we find the spark of spirit that connects us to every living thing in the universe. One Hindu tradition counsels its practitioners to ask the question over and over, using it as a mantra to lead them inevitably into the heart of the divine.

While there are people who seem to come into the world knowing who they are and why they are here, for the most part the human journey appears to be very much about asking this question and allowing its answers to guide us on our paths. So when we find ourselves in the heart of unknowing, we can have faith that we are in a very human place, as well as a very divine one. “Who am I?” is a timeless mantra, a Zen koan ultimately designed to lead us home, into the part of our minds that finally lets go of questions and answers and finds instead the ability to simply be. 

For more information visit

Daily Inspiration

On this day of your life,
Neytiri & Jake, I believe God wants you to know...

...that the word salvation in the Bible means perfect
health, harmony, and freedom.

Emmet Fox said that, and he was right. These things
are the will of God for man, he said,
and he was right again.

When you ponder how to achieve your 'salvation,'
make sure you understand, first, what 'salvation' is.
We are seeking here to save ourselves from our own
misunderstandings about Life and How It Is, and
about Who We Really Are.

Move into the fullness of your True Identity, and
watch your whole life change.

~ Steve Farrell
Lion King says, “He lives in You” and it is true but God never insists on Her way.

Our invitation is to embrace God and live in the fullness of His Love.

If it feels right, there is nothing to think about -- drop down into the heart -- the rest will take care of itself.

The Generosity of Greatness

Heavenletter #4801 The Generosity of Greatness

God said:

written August 10, 2013  The Generosity of Greatness

God said: # 4801 – 16.1.2014

Today you are a cut above where you were yesterday. Yesterday is already past. How you leave the past behind is by progressing. No one stays the same. In the world, nothing stays the same. There is a new dawn. It is not just another dawn. It is a new dawn. And you are dawning on yourself. You are ever getting closer to Me and to the selfsame Your Self.

You follow one route or another to your Self. It is inevitable.

You may not be aware that you go at a steady pace, yet it is inevitable. You are a human being who grows. You can seem to shrink from growing. You can think you travel the same route every day, yet there is always a new road before you. It may look like a repeat, or it may look like a diversion, yet you have a path before you. No matter how seeming roundabout, it will take you to where you want to go. Inevitably, you come to Me Who has always been with you.

There are no stalemates, beloveds. It may seem to you that you retrogress, yet there is only going forward. You may stumble, and yet you fall forward. Lift yourself up, and never put yourself down. For a time, you are a Divine Being scrambling around on Earth. That is not the whole story of you, not by a long shot. There is far more to you than the eye can see. There is the I of you. You wear a royal crown that you may have no idea of. It’s time you do have an idea.

There is Greatness within you, and you can let it out. You are not confined to a little body or any kind of littleness. You can break out from your fetters any time you want to. Never mind the objections and obstructions of the world and the objections and obstructions of your own. You are a Free Being set to burst through all barriers, for barriers are waiting for you to break through them. How barriers may seem impenetrable, and, yet, how imagined barriers are. What you imagine doesn’t have to be believed in. Believe in greater, and greater will stream to you sooner or later. You are a magnet for Greatness. Be it and attract it. Share Greatness. You do have a good foothold whether you know it or not.

There is no falling from Grace. Regardless of what the world says, regardless of what you say, you have love to reveal and love to extend. It is all within you. You don’t have to dally.

What if you are right on schedule now? When you grasp the Generosity of Greatness, when you recognize that Greatness is in your hands, you will give it gladly. See how it will bounce back to you. You ride on your own shoulders. There is no limit to the heights you can reach, little by little, or all at once. Giant steps are yours to take. Take them. Want to fly? Fly then. Your feet have lifted. You are reaching to Your Self.

I have appointed you My Self. I chose you well. You whom I appoint cannot disappoint. You not only follow My Will, you are My Will. I willed you Greatness. Accept. Go forth, and accept. Accept by giving. Accept by knowing that all you give, you give to Me. I uphold you. I hold you high. Well, what else do you think I would do? Let go of outmoded thinking. Perhaps even stop thinking, and simply be. Greatness surrounds you, and you are Greatness meeting Greatness. You are the Light, and you are the Energy of the Universe. You are not less. Widen your perception. Widen your heart. Widen your path through life. And so I have said, and so now do you know.

My Reservoir of Peace

My Reservoir of Peace

For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe. -Larry Eisenberg

I let go and let God

There is nothing in my day that is more important than my serenity, and it is my responsibility to maintain and attend to it. Whatever I do in the world, my serenity comes first. I owe it to no one. I will pay attention today to the myriad of ways in which I am thrown off balance and I will take a moment to center myself, to breathe, to remember that when I can calm my body, mind, and spirit, I interact differently with the people, places, and things of my day. I will work daily to build my serenity muscles so that I stay strong and flexible. Serenity isn't something that I can just grab and have. I need to nourish it through quiet and reflection and come back to it when I lose it. My serenity is mine to look after. I give myself the gift of my own serenity today and every day.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) (S)

Neytiri : Repeated here to help you with PROMISE 1!

Much as you blame yourself, you can't be blamed for the way that you feel
Had no example of a love that was even remotely real
How can you understand something that you never had?

Ooh, baby, if you let me, I can help you out with all of that

Girl let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself
Girl let me love you
I know your trouble
Don't be afraid, girl let me help
Girl let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself
Girl let me love you
A heart of numbness gets brought to life
I'll take you there

Girl let me love you
Girl let me love you, baby, oh
Girl let me love you
Girl let me love you, baby
Girl let me love you
Let me love you, let me love you, oh

I can see the pain behind your eyes
It's been there for quite a while
I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile
I would like to show you what true love can really do

Girl let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself
Girl let me love you
I know your trouble
Don't be afraid, girl let me help
Girl let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself
Girl let me love you
A heart of numbness, gets brought to life
I'll take you there

Girl let me love you, baby
Girl let me love you
Let me love you, let me love you, baby
Girl let me love you
Girl let me love you, baby
Girl let me love you
Let me love you, girl let me love you, baby

For every heart that beats
For every heart that beats
For every heart that beats
For every heart that beats
Heart that beats
Heart that beats
Heart that beats
Heart that beats

Girl let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself
Girl let me love you
I know your trouble
Don't be afraid, girl let me help
Girl let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself
Girl let me love you
A heart of numbness, gets brought to life
I'll take you there

Girl let me love you
Let me love you, baby, love you, baby
Girl let me love you
Let me love you babe, love you babe, ooh-ooh-ah

Be Grateful for Where You are Now

January 28: be Grateful for Where You are Now

August 14                   Be grateful for where you are now 

It doesn’t take as much faith to believe that everything happens for a reason as it does to embrace the belief that I am who and where I am now, today, for a reason—even if I don’t know what that reason is and even if I don’t particularly like who or where I am today,” a friend said to me. 

“When I can take that in, my dissatisfaction and negativity disappear, and I can proceed calmly and gratefully with my life. To me,” he said, “that’s what spirituality is all about.”

Faith and hope aren’t just for the future. Try using them on today.

Could it be that you’re who you are and where you are now for a reason? Thank God for your life, exactly as it is, right now.

God, give me enough faith to believe in today.

The Generosity of Greatness

On this day of your life,
Neytiri & Jake, I believe God wants you to know...

...that you will benefit enormously if you simply strive to
be a good person. Strive to live rightly.
This will not always be easy. It will require real work,
real dedication, real commitment to the Journey of Your
Soul. Yet in the end, I trust in God that it will be so very
worth it, for the reward is Self Realization.

To know the Self as Who You Really Are is the goal
and the opportunity of each lifetime.
To expand your
definition of that is the invitation.

I admire and deeply respect and salute you.

~The Generosity of Greatness by HeavenLetters(TM)
God said:
There is no falling from Grace. Regardless of what the world says, regardless of what you say, you have love to reveal and love to extend. It is all within you. You don’t have to dally.
What if you are right on schedule now? When you grasp the Generosity of Greatness, when you recognize that Greatness is in your hands, you will give it gladly. See how it will bounce back to you. You ride on your own shoulders. There is no limit to the heights you can reach, little by little, or all at once. Giant steps are yours to take. Take them. Want to fly? Fly then. Your feet have lifted. You are reaching to Your Self.
I have appointed you My Self. I chose you well. You whom I appoint cannot disappoint. You not only follow My Will, you are My Will. I willed you Greatness. Accept. Go forth, and accept. Accept by giving. Accept by knowing that all you give, you give to Me. I uphold you. I hold you high. Well, what else do you think I would do? Let go of outmoded thinking. Perhaps even stop thinking, and simply be. Greatness surrounds you, and you are Greatness meeting Greatness. You are the Light, and you are the Energy of the Universe. You are not less. Widen your perception. Widen your heart. Widen your path through life.

A Simple Message

A Simple Message

Today, bring to light the hidden purposes and goals in whatever it is you are doing. Are you doing it because you truly want to make this world a better place - or just because of you?

The message for today is simple: Help for the sake of helping, remembering that effort is your reward.

Wake up, beloveds. Time to wake up.

Heavenletter #4800 “Wake up, beloveds. Time to wake up."

God said:

Are you beginning to accept that your life on Earth, as important as it is to you, is made of illusion? This illusion of life that you pursue and that pursues you, also has an importance to the Universe itself. Life on Earth is something you dream while you are sleepwalking, and, yet, the very dream serves the Universe. It is a dream circumscribed from Infinity and Eternity. The dream is not real even as it seems so real. When you wake up from the dream, then you know that the dream that seemed so real was only a dream. You watched the dream take over, and then you awoke and saw that what you thought was real was a dream dreamed.

When you wake from the dream, you know you wake up in Eternity, and that you are Infinite. In the dream, you were a piece of the puzzle. Awake, there is no puzzle. Beloveds, you are entering a new state of consciousness. Little by little, you are entering a new state of consciousness.

You used to walk on land, and now it is becoming more like you are swimming in water. What is happening is that you turn over in your sleep, and for a moment, you are awake, and then you fall asleep again. It seems infinitesimal, your dream, when all along, dream or not, you are in Infinity. You are a dream within a dream within a dream. Yes, you do wake from layers of dreaming, and you know Reality full-throttle.

There are all kinds of dreams, and you dream them all. You dream the beautiful dreams, and you dream the scary ones. The dreams certainly seem real. You tremble when you are chased and cannot yet unlock the door of fear. You smile or cry for joy at sweet dreams of unsurpassed beauty and fulfillment. You do swing upon stars, and you surpass all pictures of yourself, and you are art. What a dream you dream in the world. Sometimes your dream can be so splendid, you don’t want to wake from such wonderfulness.

Of course, when you wake, the dream recedes. It was only a dream. Now you find that Reality surpasses the dreams. The very best dreams were only a drop in the bucket. For goodness sakes, you wake to Infinity and know your Eternalness. Infinite, eternal, exquisite is Reality.

There never was anything else but Truth. Now you fly, and now you know Truth in all its glory. You have risen in awareness. You are Eternity. You are Infinity. You have never been anything else. You thought so. Yet a thought is only a thought. You can forget your thoughts and remember Truth. Truth is the climate you live in. Truth has no distance. Truth awaits you even as you and Truth never went anywhere. For a while, you imagined so. And, so, you dreamt. And in the dream you thought you were somewhere where you were not.

Your dream was like a tree with many branches, and you hung onto the limbs. You were afraid of branches breaking. You were afraid of falling. You thought you had fallen from grace. You dreamed that Heaven was in the distance, distant past or distant future, or you thought Heaven was the dream and Heaven was never going to be yours, or that Heaven Itself was untrue. You sure mixed up your why’s and wherefore’s. And you sure tried to solve your manufactured dilemmas. You so wanted to return to what you persuaded yourself was a fantasy, when Heaven was true all the time and you were with God even in your scary dreams.

I see you are waking up now. Just a little more sleep, and then you will be fully awake. You will see Me holding your hand as I say: “Wake up, beloveds. Time to wake up.”

Principles, Not Personalities

Principles, Not Personalities

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. -Buddha
I allow the grace of this collective wisdom to enter me each and every day
Today I am part of a community of recovering people that is bigger than me, bigger than anyone. I am benefiting from a collective wisdom that has developed slowly and over time, that has been passed with love, commitment, passion, pain, sweat, and deep joy from one hand to another, from one heart to another. This is a journey with fellow journeyers, owned by no one and affiliated with nothing outside of itself. I owe my recovery to no person, place, or thing. I am here like so many others, taking my turn in these beautiful rooms, seeking Good Orderly Direction a day at a time.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Rap God (S)

  1. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  2. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

[Intro:]Look, I was gonna go easy on you not to hurt your feelings
But I'm only going to get this one chance
(Six minutes, six minutes)
Something's wrong, I can feel it
(Six minutes, six minutes, Slim Shady, you're on)
Just a feeling I've got
Like something's about to happen
But I don't know what
If that means, what I think it means, we're in trouble
Big trouble – and if he is as bananas as you say
I'm not taking any chances
You were just what the doctor ordered

I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slapbox, slapbox?
They said I rap like a robot, so call me Rapbot

[Verse 1:]
But for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes
I got a laptop in my back pocket
My pen'll go off when I half-cock it
Got a fat knot from that rap profit
Made a living and a killing off it
Ever since Bill Clinton was still in office
With Monica Lewinsky feeling on his nut-sack
I'm an MC still as honest
But as rude and as indecent as all hell
Syllables, skill-a-holic (Kill 'em all with)
This flippity, dippity-hippity hip-hop
You don't really wanna get into a pissing match
With this rappity-rap
Packing a mack in the back of the Ac
backpack rap, crap, yap-yap, yackety-yack
and at the exact same time
I attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts while I'm practicing that
I'll still be able to break a motherfuckin' table
Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half
Only realized it was ironic
I was signed to Aftermath after the fact
How could I not blow? All I do is drop F-bombs
Feel my wrath of attack
Rappers are having a rough time period
Here's a maxipad
It's actually disastrously bad
For the wack while I'm masterfully constructing this masterpiece yeah

Cause I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slapbox, slapbox?
Let me show you maintaining this shit ain't that hard, that hard

[Verse 2:]
Everybody want the key and the secret to rap
Immortality like I have got
Well, to be truthful the blueprint's
Simply rage and youthful exuberance
Everybody loves to root for a nuisance
Hit the earth like an asteroid
Did nothing but shoot for the moon since (PEEYOOM)
MC's get taken to school with this music
Cause I use it as a vehicle to bust the rhyme
Now I lead a new school full of students
Me? I'm a product of Rakim
Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac, N-W-A., Cube, hey, Doc, Ren
Yella, Eazy, thank you, they got Slim
Inspired enough to one day grow up
Blow up and be in a position
To meet Run DMC and induct them
Into the motherfuckin' Rock n'
Roll Hall of Fame even though I walk in the church
And burst in a ball of flames
Only Hall of Fame I be inducted in is the alcohol of fame
On the wall of shame
You fags think it's all a game
'Til I walk a flock of flames
Off a plank and
Tell me what in the fuck are you thinking?
Little gay looking boy
So gay I can barely say it with a straight face looking boy
You're witnessing a massacre like you're watching a church gathering
And take place looking boy
Oy vey, that boy's gay
That's all they say looking boy
You get a thumbs up, pat on the back
And a way to go from your label everyday looking boy
Hey, looking boy, what you say looking boy?
I got a "hell yeah" from Dre looking boy
I'mma work for everything I have
Never ask nobody for shit
Get outta my face looking boy
Basically boy you're never gonna be capable
To keep it up with the same pace looking boy, cause

I'm beginning to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
The way I'm racing around the track, call me Nascar, Nascar
Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park, the White Trash God
Kneel before General Zod this planet's Krypton, no Asgard, Asgard

[Verse 3:]
So you'll be Thor and I'll be Odin
You rodent, I'm omnipotent
Let off then I'm reloading
Immediately with these bombs I'm totin'
And I should not be woken
I'm the walking dead
But I'm just a talking head, a zombie floating
But I got your mom deep throating
I'm out my Ramen Noodle
We have nothing in common, poodle
I'm a Doberman, pinch yourself
In the arm and pay homage, pupil
It's me
My honesty's brutal
But it's honestly futile if I don't utilize
What I do though for good
At least once in a while so I wanna make sure
Somewhere in this chicken scratch I scribble and doodle
Enough rhymes to
Maybe try to help get some people through tough times
But I gotta keep a few punchlines
Just in case cause even you unsigned
Rappers are hungry looking at me like it's lunchtime
I know there was a time where once I
Was king of the underground
But I still rap like I'm on my Pharoahe Monch grind
So I crunch rhymes
But sometimes when you combine
Appeal with the skin color of mine
You get too big and here they come trying to
Censor you like that one line I said
On "I'm Back" from the Mathers LP
One when I tried to say I take seven kids from Columbine
Put 'em all in a line
Add an AK-47, a revolver and a nine
See if I get away with it now
That I ain't as big as I was, but I've
Morphin' into an immortal coming through the portal
You're stuck in a timewarp from two thousand four though
And I don't know what the fuck that you rhyme for
You're pointless as Rapunzel
With fucking cornrows
You're write normal, fuck being normal
And I just bought a new Raygun from the future
Just to come and shoot ya
Like when Fabolous made Ray J mad
Cause Fab said he looked like a fag
At Maywhether's pad singin' to a man
While they played piano
Man, oh man, that was a 24/7 special
On the cable channel
So Ray J went straight to the radio station the very next day
"Hey, Fab, I'mma kill you"
Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed, (JJ Fad)
Uh, summa lumma dooma lumma you assuming I'm a human
What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman
Innovative and I'm made of rubber, so that anything you say is
Ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to you
And I'm devastating more than ever demonstrating
How to give a motherfuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitating
Never fading, and I know that haters are forever waiting
For the day that they can say I fell off, they'd be celebrating
Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated
I make elevating music
You make elevator music
Oh, he's too mainstream
Well, that's what they do
When they get jealous, they confuse it
It's not hip hop, it's pop
Cause I found a hella way to fuse it
With rock, shock rap with Doc
Throw on Lose Yourself and make 'em lose it
I don't know how to make songs like that
I don't know what words to use
Let me know when it occurs to you
While I'm ripping any one of these verses that versus you
It's curtains, I'm inadvertently hurtin' you
How many verses I gotta murder to
Prove that if you were half as nice,
your songs you could sacrifice virgins to
School flunkie, pill junky
But look at the accolades these skills brung me
Full of myself, but still hungry
I bully myself cause I make me do what I put my mind to
When I'm a million leagues above you
Ill when I speak in tongues
But it's still tongue-in-cheek, fuck you
I'm drunk so Satan take the fucking wheel
I'm asleep in the front seat
Bumping Heavy D and the Boys
Still chunky, but funky
But in my head there's something
I can feel tugging and struggling
Angels fight with devils and
Here's what they want from me
They're asking me to eliminate some of the women hate
But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred that I had
Then you may be a little patient and more sympathetic to the situation
And understand the discrimination
But fuck it
Life's handing you lemons
Make lemonade then
But if I can't batter the women
How the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake then?
Don't mistake it for Satan
It's a fatal mistake if you think I need to be overseas
And take a vacation to trip a broad
And make her fall on her face and
Don't be a retard, be a king?
Think not
Why be a king when you can be a God?

Fuel that Nurtures

Eating Right to Feel Better

by Madisyn Taylor

What we eat and drink can have a powerful effect on our ability to focus, mental clarity, mood, and stress levels.

At its simplest, food is fuel. Though our preferences regarding taste and texture can vary widely, we all rely on the foods we eat for energy. Most people are aware that it is vital we consume a diverse assortment of foods if we aspire to maintain a state of physical well-being. However, the intimate connection between diet and our mental well-being is less understood. Just as the nutritional components in food power the body, so too do they power the mind. Some foods can impair cognitive functioning and sap our energy while others heighten our intellectual prowess and make us feel vigorous. What we eat and drink can have a powerful effect on our ability to focus, mental clarity, mood, and stress levels.

Food allergies, which don’t always manifest themselves in forms we recognize, can also play a significant role in the maintenance of mental health. Thus, for most of us, even a simple change in diet can have a profoundly positive impact on our lives. Taking the time to explore whether anxiety, muddled thoughts, or inexplicable tension can be linked to a food allergy or food sensitivity can empower you to treat your symptoms naturally. The benefits of a healthier, more personalized diet are often felt immediately. Sugar, saturated fats, wheat, and dairy products are frequently allergens and can stress the body. For people that are allergic, consuming them can cause imbalances in the physical self that have a negative effect on the body’s ability to nourish the brain. Water, fiber, nuts, unprocessed seeds, raw fruits and vegetables, and vegetable proteins, on the other hand, support physical and mental functioning by providing those nutrients we do need without additional substances we don’t.

A balanced, natural diet can ease mood swings, panic attacks, anxiety, and mild depression. Intellectual clarity and agility is improved when the mind receives proper nourishment. Even those individuals who are blessed with the ability to consume almost any food can benefit from a healthier and simpler diet. Since the mental and physical selves are closely bound to one another, we must feed each the foods upon which they thrive. 

For more information visit

Light to All People

Light to All People

I can’t tell you how many times we here in the Kabbalah Centre encounter people who ask us, “Why are you going out there and bringing people from all over the world to this wisdom?”

My answer is always the same: “The reason we exist is because we need to take this Divine energy and spread it beyond our own lives; we need to go to those towns located at the ends of the earth and teach people that the Light exists for all the people, all the time.”

Thanks for the Lessons

January 27: Thanks for the Lessons

People say everything happens for a reason and God has a Plan for it all. I believe things do happen for a reason. And I believe in God’s Plan. But if we don’t learn the lesson from the circum­stance and let ourselves completely heal from it—whether it’s the past or today—the things that happen for a reason will just keep happening over and over again.
— Playing It by Heart

“I learned something today,” a woman said to me. “Before I can completely let go of anything or anyone, I need to thank the person and the experience for what it taught me.”

Sometimes, the last thin cord binding us to that person or experience, that part of our lives that we’re trying so valiantly to be free from, can be effectively snipped with the shears of gratitude.

Are you hanging on to a resentment for that ex or a friend from days long past? Are you still harboring bitterness about a job or business deal gone bad? Are you holding on to a part of your life that was painful with bitterness and resentment? Are you holding on to a particularly good time or cycle you had with someone, afraid that if things change and you let the past go and come into now, things won’t be quite as good?

Maybe you needed that relationship to teach you about a part of yourself. Maybe you learned compassion or more about what you wanted from life. Maybe that friend, even though he or she isn’t in your life anymore, helped you open up a part of yourself that was shut down and needed to be activated and set free. What about those painful experiences? You learned something, probably a lot, from them, too. And that experience that was so fulfilling? That, too, needs to be let go of if we’re going to open our hearts to the new.

Apply a dose of gratitude. Thank the experience for being in your life. Thank that ex, or that friend, or that business, or that boss. Thank them over and over again in your mind. Deliberately sit down and figure out what the lessons and gifts were. If you can’t see them, ask to be shown.

Move a step closer to letting go and becoming free by being grateful for how that person or experience enriched your life.

God, thank you for the past. Help me let go with gratitude, so that I can live more fully and joyfully now.

Daily Inspiration

On this day of your life,
Neytiri & Jake, I believe God wants you to know...

...that Freedom is Who You Are.

 'Freedom' is but another word for 'God.' It has been
difficult to find words in human language to describe
That Which God Is, but 'Freedom' is one of them.
Another word to describe God is...You.

You and God are One. Therefore you, too, are Free.
Free to make choices, free to select your reactions
and responses to life, free to be your authentic Self.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

~ Bahaullah

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole of the Earth.

All the Threads of Life

Heavenletter #4799 All the Threads of Life

God said:
Listen, on the surface level, there is no figuring out a life, not yours, not anyone’s. Perhaps a life looks like a waste to you, uncalled for, objected to, purposeless. No matter how you may look at a life, it is serving the person and the world. What I am speaking of is far away from your logic.

Someone spends his life in what can only seem from the outside as wasteful, and, yet, even that life as seen in the world, is fulfilling something. I am not speaking of payback or anything like that. Even what you see as a pitiful life, or an unconscionable life, purposeless so far as you can see, even that life, such a life, is serving the Universe. Impossible, you say, yet this that I say is possible, more than possible, absolutely so. A life shipwrecked on a deserted island serves. No man is an island.

On the human level, this is unsolvable. On a deeper level, this is infallible. Now I have said it. No life is wasted. Every life serves the whole.

If you could follow all the threads of life, you would be amazed. You would be glad for everyone and everything. Every single life on Earth is playing itself out in a favorable way. A life long or a life short, it is the same. Fulfilled purpose that you are unable to see prevails.

It seems absurd to you to hear Me say that what you can only see as a miserable life nevertheless has value. And, yet, I say that to you and, yet, how you resist this way of looking at a life, for there are lives you approve of and also lives you disapprove of.

You may give lip service to not judging, and yet you judge a mile a minute.

Perhaps, then, it has to be said that even in your judging, a purpose is served.

You might ask, “God, are You telling me that everything that happens is okay? Okay on a level deeper than I can fathom? That makes no sense.”

Beloveds, that is exactly what I am saying. From the angle of your perception, this makes no sense to you at all. Your present mind finds it impossible to comprehend that there is good in everything.

“Even in terror, God?”

Yes, even in everything that you would call terrible, far greater than terrible exists.

Let’s put this another way: What is the sense of protesting that which has already occurred? That makes no sense either, now, does it?

From everything you can see, life on Earth is imperfect. There are wrongs that are not righted and innocence disrespected. There are all kinds of outrageous qualities in life, and here am I, God, telling you: “Now, now, this is okay.”

And, in the same breath, you hear from Me: “There are acts that are better for you not to perform.” It has been said that there is a list marked in stone that tells you what is not helpful for you to do. It may seem to you that I speak out of both sides of My mouth.

If you want happiness in your human life, of course, you refrain from causing hurt or downright harm. There is no question. Of course, you make life as nice for seeming others as you possibly can. Everyone who suffers is you. There is no other. Play nice. Absolutely.

Yes, at the same time, whatever plays out on the surface of life has value in a bigger picture. Yes, even gross misconduct accomplishes something worthwhile. Yes, there is good in everything.

Of course, the word good is a judgment. The word good stamps okay, while the word bad stamps disapproval. Your need to know is not necessary. Your need to move forward is essential. Your understanding is not essential.

From the Earth perspective, it is essential to let go, only that. Even to the extent of letting go of what is impossible for you to grasp in the first place. Perhaps you can call this letting go of what you cannot understand as forgiveness.

A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.-Margaret Mead, American anthropologist (1901-1978)
I change the world by changing me
I can only live one hour at a time. This hour. All I have to do is to live this hour well and let the rest take care of itself. All I have to do is not self medicate, act out, or sink into despair or emotional drunkenness this one day. I can do, a day at a time, what might frighten or overwhelm me if I thought I had to it for the rest of my life. I will live the life I want to have today, knowing that this is my best assurance of a good tomorrow. There is such a thing as time. Life unfolds in moments and hours. Today surrounds me. Everything is alive and so am I. A God of my understanding is alive in this moment and I am being held by this Higher Power whether I know it or not. Today I am alive and I know it.

Monday 27 January 2014

Lullaby (S)

She grew up with
The children of the stars
In the Hollywood hills and the boulevard
Her parents threw big parties
Everyone was there
They hung out with folks like
Dennis hopper, Bob Seeger, sonny and Cher

Now, she feels safe
In this bar on Fairfax
And from the stage I can tell that
She can't let go and she can't relax
And just before
She hangs her head to cry
I sing to her a lullaby, I sing

Everything's gonna be all right
Rockabye, rockabye
Everything's gonna be all right
Rockabye, rockabye

She still lives with her mom
Outside the city
Down that street about a half a mile
And all her friends tell her
She's so pretty
But she'd be a whole lot prettier
If she smiled once in a while
`cause even her smile
Looks like a frown
She's seen her share of devils
In this angel town

But, everything's gonna be all right
Rockabye, rockabye
Everything's gonna be all right
Rockabye, rockabye

I told her I ain't so sure
About this place
It's hard to play a gig in this town
And keep a straight face
Seems like everyone here's got a plan
It's kind of like Nashville with a tan, but,

Everything's gonna be all right
Rockabye, rockabye
Everything's gonna be all right
Rockabye, rockabye

Everything's gonna be all right
Rockabye, rockabye
Everything's gonna be all right
Rockabye, rockabye,rockabye, bye, bye
Bye, bye

Be Grateful fo Where You Have Been

January 26: be Grateful fo Where You Have Been

Earlier in this book, I suggested that you write your mem­oirs. Even if you don’t sit down to do that, I’m going to sug­gest that you review your life.

Reading my mother’s memoir was a profound experience, one that touched my heart and brought compassion into it in a way I hadn’t been able to experience from all my family-of­-origin work. As a child, I’d shut down when my mother would talk about her experiences. I’d turn off my listening device. It sounded like grumbling and complaining to me. I didn’t want to hear about her pain.

But when I read about her life in story form, I experienced a different response. I was able to read it objectively, not as her daughter or a person feeling guilty because I wished she hadn’t had all the pain she did. I saw how directly her expe­riences had created and shaped who she was. I saw the desires of her heart. I saw her tragedies, her broken dreams. I saw her heroism, too.

My snippy little reactions—the irritating mother-daughter stuff—vanished in this new light. She was no longer a mother who had issues. She was a human being nobly living her life. Like the rest of us, she had her frailties, her vulnerable areas, and her strong points.
The point here isn’t for you to read about my mother. It’s for you to take a new look at your life and all the experiences you’ve been through, endured, survived, and then tran­scended. When I wrote my life story, I resisted at first. I hadn’t enjoyed it that much going through it. I didn’t want to relive all those experiences.

But something happened in the actual writing. It was simi­lar to what happened when I read my mother’s account of her life. I began to see myself and what I’d been through differently, in a new, more compassionate light.

Each experience, each decade, each chapter in the book taught me something valuable. From each experience I’d been through, I reclaimed or discovered new insight and power. Maybe much of what I had preferred to forget or turn my back on wasn’t the wasted life I thought it was.

What a beautiful story each one of us has. Whether your experiences ever make it into a book, it’s still your book of life. Are you grateful for each chapter you’ve lived? Are you grateful for each experience you’ve had? Are you grateful for the story you’re living now?

The good news is, the story of our lives hasn’t ended yet. There’s still more to come.

Touch the experience of being human in all of its sorrow and joy.
Be grateful for the story you’re living now

God, help me to laugh, cry, love, be aware, and be thankful with all my heart for every moment and each experience that I’ve been given. Thank you for my life.

The Whole Is Greater

Women’s Circles

by Madisyn Taylor

Women’s circles perfectly illustrate the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Women’s circles are formal or informal gatherings in the interest of bonding, sharing energy, and creating ritual. The origins of women’s circles are ancient, but their applications are as modern as the women who participate in them. There are no hard and fast rules as to how to form a women’s circle or how to run one. Some circles invent their own agendas, rituals, goals, and ceremonies, while others borrow ideas from sources as far-ranging as Buddhist or Native American cultures. Some circles are open to new members at all times, while others prefer to practice with a set number of members, closing the circle once that number is reached.

In a typical gathering, the women who are present sit in a circle. Generally, for the sake of cohesiveness, one woman is chosen to lead the circle each time. Allowing a different woman to lead each meeting allows for a multi-perspective approach to the process. One circle leader may choose to create and teach a ritual involving using the voice to release negative energy, while at the next meeting another leader may feel inspired to lead a silent meditation. On the other hand, a circle may choose to be more focused over the long term and gather around a particular intention, such as working together to determine a course for healing Mother Earth. When the healing feels complete, the women may choose to stay together with a new focus for their work, or the circle may disband.

At their best, women’s circles perfectly illustrate the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The work that can be accomplished within the loving embrace of our sisters is far more powerful than what we could achieve on our own. If you are not already part of a circle, you may want to start one. Follow your intuition as to the women with whom you’d like to work, reach out to them, and set a date to begin. After that, you can simply allow the circle to create itself. Men need not be forgotten when it comes to circles and they, too, can come together to form their own circles and create strong bonds and healing in a way that is specific to all men. 

For more information visit



To achieve our potential, we must first figure out what it is and then choose to pursue it. Reaching our potential is not something that happens automatically. It happens only when we decide to take the initiative to grow and to advance to the next level. It is a conscious choice we need to make every day.

It’s not an easy path, but here are three tips that can help you along the way:

1. Acknowledge you can do more and then always find new ways to take on bigger challenges.
2. Improve what you are already good at.
3. Pursue opportunities that speak to you on a level beyond words.


--Friendship with God by Neale Donald Walsch
How can I experience Ultimate Reality in any particular moment?
Be still and know that I am God.
I mean that literally.
Be still.
That is how you will know that I am God, and that I am always with you. 
That is how you will know that, you are One with Me. That is how you will meet the Creator inside of you.
If you have come to know Me, to trust Me, to love Me, and to embrace Me – if you have taken the steps to having a friendship with God – then you will never doubt that I am with you always, and all ways.
So, as I have said before, embrace Me. Spend a few moments each day embracing your experience of Me. Do this now, when you do not have to, when life circumstances do not seem to require you to. Now, when it seems that you do not even have time to. Now, when you are not feeling alone. So that when you are “alone,” you will know that you are not.
Cultivate the habit of joining Me in divine connection once each day. I have already given you directions on one way that you may do this. There are other ways. Many ways. God is not limited, and neither are the ways to reach God.
Once you have truly embraced God, once you have made that divine connection, you will never want to lose it, for it will bring you the greatest joy you ever had.
This joy is What I Am, and What You Are. It is Life Itself, expressing at the highest vibration. It is supra-consciousness. It is at this level of vibration that creation occurs.
You might even say it’s the Creation Vibration!

Remember This

Heavenletter #4798 Remember This

God said:

Remember this: There is no debt. No one owes you. And you do not owe.

This is another way of saying to let go of expectation. Sometimes you have to let go of the expectation that everyone will follow through. Not every human being does.

Why are you let down because of what someone else does or does not? It really has nothing to do with you. What other people do or do not doesn’t make you less nor does it make you more.

Is it your self-image that is affected by another’s promising something and not delivering?

Be not so dependent upon other people for your self-image.

Really, you are not so fragile. Your life does not depend upon other people. Your well-being does not depend upon other people. Your sense of well-being is not to come from other people. I have told you Who you are. Rely on My word. My regard for you does not go up and down. Your well-being does not depend upon what occurs in the world, just as My love for you, My inviolable love for you is not dependent upon what occurs in the world either.

Let your love be true. This includes love for yourself.

Your sense of disappointment does not have to be kept hidden. You can say to people who choose to breaks appointments with you that you do not do well with disappointment. You don’t have to hold it against them. You also don’t have to rely on them either. Nor do you have to devalue yourself because of how another deals in the world.

So I am telling you, as always, not to take slights seriously, nor do you have to make appointments with those whom you feel slighted by. It’s a fact that friends disappoint. They are not everything you want them to be. Tra la la.

Because you stick to appointments you make is no reason to expect it or demand it of others. Those are your rules, but your rules are not another’s.

Your mistake is taking their actions  as something directed to you. This is simply how some deal in life. This is what they learned. Doing what they want at a certain time is more important to them. They may be will-o-the-wisps while you are reliable. They are not wrong for living their lives as they live them. That is their choice to make. You make yours.

No one has to live up to your expectations. Better not to have expectations. Take your expectations about the weather. You may well prefer the sunshine, and yet when it rains, you are not affronted. This is how you have to deal with life. Why would you choose to be affronted? Is that the way of life you want to follow?

Then someone might say that you are always so sensitive and, therefore, difficult for them to engage with.

Everyone is right from his or her point of view.

Look, life on Earth is a challenge. Life isn’t run on your schedule and on your terms. You have lived long enough now not to be surprised. Expect others to see the world as you do, and you will be disappointed. Try to make people who disappoint you change their ways, and you will be disappointed. Dis-appoint yourself of being a judge.

It is not for you to make a big thing of others’ ways of living nor is it for you to throw other people away because they disappoint you. Nor do you have to accept everything any more than you have to swallow foods that are difficult for you to digest.

You do not have to expect perfection from others. Your expectations are not perfect either.