Sunday 28 July 2013

Step 7: Connect to the Gift of Your Own Spiritual and Personal Empowerment

Step 7: Connect to the Gift of Your Own Spiritual and Personal Empowerment
This is a beautiful step.

It brings home a greater level of acceptance which began at Step 3.

This shift takes you from all regret and pain into the knowing that you are on a wonderful journey towards the creation of the real life you desire and deserve, and it puts you in your power and truth to embrace this heightened personal journey.

By doing so you will experience more personal energy and enthusiasm, and you will feel the desire to keep growing, and to get creative in your outer life and expand.

It is usual after this step, for doors to open and experiences in your life that you do desire to start coming toward you.

In this new empowered state I call “True Self” you leave the energy and the false and painful reality of the narcissist far, far behind.

By connecting to the gift of your own spiritual and personal development, you graduate to a much higher vibration, one where the narcissist is no longer your reality.

This means that your focus is firmly on you – you want to grow, you want to heal and you want to expand – and you are excited about this personal Journey!

This feels like quenching your thirst in a wonderful lagoon after being stranded in a barren desert for so long.

You now deeply feel that your soul is delivering you all the right messengers, all the right people, the prompts, the cues, the ‘ways’ for you to move forward into the claiming of who you really want to be – and you are open and receptive to these signals.

Life has started opening up to become a source of wonderment and day to day synchronicities which fill you with gratitude and joy.

This shift makes it very difficult for the narcissist to latch on to you, manipulate you or extract narcissistic supply from you, because after working through this step, you detatch to a level where what he or she tries to do is no longer personalised by you, and carries very little if any emotional charge.

You are simply not interested because you feel full and healthy, and your focus is on creating your own freedom, truth and progress.

Now your life can be focused on growing into the highest expressions that you can be - manifesting what you want to experience in ways that serve the collective good, living your purpose and bringing joy and peace into your life.

For those of you that have made it a focus to personally and spiritually develop, you will know how powerful this force is in your life – and how much centeredness, relief and beauty comes from it.

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