Tuesday 16 July 2013

Challenges Along the Path

Challenges Along the Path

If I am truly in search of self, I have chosen a difficult path. Looking at my own unconscious will inevitably bring deep anxiety and fear, but I can stay with it. I will not abandon myself at these crucial moments.

Why not ask for more?
One of them (the crisis) is a sudden discouragement about it all. He (the spiritual seeker) wonders whether it is worthwhile. Old doubts and feelings, which he thought were far behind him, suddenly loom up again. He is stabbed by dread that the whole thing may be only a dream world of his own illusions. Such periods of temptation are perfectly normal; expect them to come... Another crisis is the uneasiness of self-condemnation. There is no one in the entire world who condemns you. You yourself are the only person who condemns you - and pointlessly. In reality, there is no condemnation whatever, but, as long as you think there is, you ache. Not only that, but a man dwelling with the illusion of self-condemnation is compulsively driven to do things that increase the illusion. There is no man, nor god, nor past experience to condemn you. You are free and you are free right now. Will you try to see this?
Vernon Howard

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