Wednesday 31 July 2013

Step 10: Realise your Liberation, Freedom and Truth

Step 10:  Realise your Liberation, Freedom and Truth

All of the previous 9 Steps have been delivering you to this final Step. You have been working on taking your power back, releasing the hooks, pain and fear of the narcissist, and coming home to healing, recovering and claiming your True Self.

This final healing Step is where it can all come together. It's where your vibration rises so that you become the Law of Attraction authentic match of liberation, freedom, and the ultimate truth of being 'at one with self, and at one with life'.

Narcissistic energy is not the truth of life. It is a false life born from illusions, masks, deception, pain and fear. This is not essential living.

The very essence of life is love, truth, integrity, peace and joy. Our time with the narcissist showed us the pain of living illusions, it showed us our unhealed parts, it showed us how we were not being a true source to ourself.

As per our brutal experience we learnt if we were going to create a real and authentic life, we had work to do on ourself, and we needed to totally partner, love and commit to ourself.

This is what this journey has all been about. The gift and the glory of this journey is that finally we could get ourselves right. Finally we could learn how to value ourselves enough to firmly say 'no more' to the life and treatment and false love that is not our reality, so that we could become, live and create the true desires of our life and soul.

The individuals who dig deep and do the work experience exactly that. The coming out to the other side as empowered, whole and integrated beings. Loving and respecting themselves, knowing their truth and no longer ever again handing over their personal power and truth. They become true creators of authentic results with love and life.

This is what dedication to ourself and the 10 Steps manifest.

By the time we have reached Step 10, even though we may need to revist the previous 9 Steps from time to time, we have reached a level where we can claim our True Self. We can be grateful for our painful experience, no matter how hard it was, because we can now claim the gift of knowing that being narcissistically abused was the most powerful breakdown / breakthrough experience we could possibly have called forth for ourself.

When we have cleared enough of the pain and the illusions in our life, we can connect to our True Self.

In our True Self function we know that life is not created from the outside. We know that nothing on the outer is going to give us ourself.

We know how fruitless it was trying to hold another person responsible for our well being, and we know how powerless it is to function in these illusions in life.

When we connect to our True Self state, the truth sets us free. It feels solid, it feels real. The neediness and the pain of trying to get outside forces to fill us and fulfill us drops away. We feel whole and complete as we are, and we know that finally we are in control of our life.

No longer do we agonize and wonder or hope if life is somehow going to turn out right. We become 'life', we become the centre nucleus of knowing and being what we want.

We feel fulfilled and whole even before what we want turns up as a physical manifestation, and we can be joy and expansiveness as we are now. Feeling great is no longer reliant on 'the outer'.

The resentment, pain and regret from the past, and any fear of the future is replaced by peace and fulfillment, and the knowing that everything is in perfect and divine order in the now.

We experience the deep resonation that love, truth, growth and happiness is already present and taken care of in the future.

In this True Self state we know and believe that we can trust ourselves, and that we will no longer accept 'less than' ever again. We know that we are unlimited and can align with and create exactly what we truly want in our life, and can easily without pain and regret say 'no' to who and what isn't.

We know that no matter what life looks like now, or how many practical losses we may have suffered, our soul and our life is ripe with potential.

Our True Self nature is not a match for narcissistic abuse. It is the very opposite of fear and pain, it is a higher vibrational frequency that exists truly in a different vibrational universe.

Our True Self nature is love and acceptance, it knows there are no mistakes, that everything happens for a higher reason, and there is nothing to regret, and only liberation, freedom, joy and truth to create.

After working with and aligning with Step 10 you will feel free. An even greater space opens up for you that creates acceptance, it facilitates relief, and you will feel a powerful disconnection from your previous pain.

The impact this Step will have depends on how diligently you have worked the previous Steps, and what level you are at emotionally within yourself at this point.

If you are feeling disconnected from the narcissist, and you have started to feel and know your personal power expanding, this final Step will be very powerful for you.

Please know, that your are human, your are not expected to be 'perfect'. Even if you feel you are at this level, a time may come where pain resurfaces, and you may need to go back to some of the previous Steps.

This is normal, and in fact perfectly okay. This is always our process of evolution. When something comes up that hurts, we always have the incredible opportunity to take responsibility, go within, and heal an unhealed part that we have never been able to truly heal before.

The more we commit to doing this, the more we break free, evolve and create conscious and joyful lives.

It is only if we keep repeating the same patterns unconsciously, and dont take the responsibility to own our pain and work on ourself, that we remain stuck and living unfulfilling lives.

So please don't conclude that this final Step is going to be the 'end' or your 'final deliverance'. It will deliver you closer to your True Self nature, however your entire ongoing life is a commitment to shedding the fear, pain and illusions that have held you hostage your entire life.

You certainly can perform this Step in sequence, even if you do feel some hooks and pain. It will give you a boost, it certainly will help, and please make sure you commit to yourself by reworking the other steps diligently in order to heal your unhealed parts as needed.

This final step is very energetic in nature. It is very 'spiritual', in that it works on your soul at a much deeper subconscious level than merely a superficial mind level.

The final healing in The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program works deeply on your subconscious to achieve this Step of bringing you home to your True Self.

This following exercise is not as direct or powerful, however it will assist you to connect to your True Self nature. This can be worked at with an 11/11 process.

If you haven't already accessed or used my 11/11 process you can do so here.

Please read the 11/11 instructions carefully.

Use this following affirmation in your 11/11 process. 'I am my True Self nature of liberation, freedom and truth'.

This process will assist you in aligning with Step 10.

It feels like a 'goodbye' after finishing sharing these Steps with you, but I know that it certainly is not. This is the beginning of saying 'hello' to your true and real life.

Please know I am still here for you doing regular radio shows and blogs. I also personally connect to and commit with anyone in need who is working with NARP, to assist you as much as I can to become your True Self full potential.

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