Wednesday 24 July 2013

Step 3: Forgive Yourself And Life For What You’ve Been Through

Step 3: Forgive Yourself And Life For What You’ve Been Through

Please read these steps in order, as you will get much more benefit by doing so.

After working on releasing your illusion of the narcissist being the perfect partner - by being able to let go yourself – you will have found that the pulls and the feelings of loss will not be as extreme.

In fact you may feel much more detached from narcissist.

You may have also noticed that you have started perceiving painful events in your past differently (even ones that didn’t involve the narcissist).

And rather than feeling like a victim anymore, you may have realised there was a greater gift to be taken – coming home to loving and accepting yourself regardless of what other people do or don’t do.

You may also have started to feel a comfort and a solidness inside yourself.

Feelings that you haven't felt for a long time, or maybe have never previously experienced.

This is because your feelings, energy and emotions are beginning to no longer be generated by what is or isn’t happening outside of you – they are being created inside of you.

Now it is time to consider the next step of your healing journey. This next one, step 3 is about forgiving yourself and life for what you have been through.

Step 3: Forgive Yourself And Life For What You’ve Been Through

Losses are synonymous with narcissistic abuse. It is common and usual to invest everything we have to give in the narcissistic relationship, only to be sucked powerless and lifeless in the process.

By the time we finally do get out of the relationship, we may look at the rubble around our feet.

The wasted effort, the years thrown away, the loss of finances, assets, health, friendships, loved ones, work opportunities, businesses, and the list goes on and on.

It is usual to lose out big time as a result of hanging on to a narcissistic relationship. And the longer we hang on, the more we lose.

It is a dead end street to more pain, and truly it is life screaming at us – telling us we are on the wrong track trying to make this unmakeable deal work.

The pain and the regret of ‘Why did I do this to myself?’ and ‘Why did I stay so long?’ can be immense. And this can cause significant problems if we don’t do something about these painful regrets.

You see – by staying in pain and regret you are in solid resistance to what has happened to you.

You are not in acceptance.

When you are not in acceptance about your life right here, right now, you hand over your power to change your life.

And you certainly can’t feel past the pain, or the regret, in order to open up to the expansion or creation of anything different.

I am a firm believer in energetic law and law of attraction. These laws operate on a very simple formula which goes like this: Life grants us more of exactly how we feel and what we believe.

This means that if we are looking at the rubble at our feet, and we are bleeding about the injustice, the losses and what we did to ourselves – then life will continue to deliver more of that.

To put it in other words, we will continue to receive whatever it is that our energy is focused on.

This means whatever you regret and can’t forgive yourself for, will continue to batter you emotionally and literally until you let go and forgive yourself.

Step 3 is about letting go and forgiving yourself compassionately.

It is about moving you out of the pain, the regret and the anger with yourself and what has happened to you, in order for you to reach acceptance.

When you do, you open up to the bigger picture.

Which is: the understanding that everything happened for a reason, and that everything is happening ‘for you’ and not ‘to you’.

This is an empowering soul realisation that ‘what has happened’ is in fact in perfect and divine order, and has stopped you on the path of ‘self’ you were travelling down, and put you squarely on your behind, in order to grant you the opportunity to align you with your true path of ‘self’.

The path that will grant your real fulfilment, love and happiness.

This lesson is teaching you: You are only going to be afflicted by your unhealed emotions if you keep trying to force someone outside of you to provide the love and fulfilment you desire.

This healing opportunity was mean to happen so that you could finally come home to healing and re-creating your inner emotional state and identity.

The shift that you can experience through Step 3 is the knowing, acceptance and peace that you co-created at a soul level purposefully exactly what you needed to heal.

The highest level of forgiveness knows there is nothing to forgive – and ONLY the gift to take forward.

Through Step 3, by healing the regret and pain of what you did to yourself and what life delivered, something powerful happens…

You start opening up to the wellbeing and abundance of life.

You start moving away from the muck of your past and into the promise of your future.

Not only will you heal and release yourself from the regretful patterns of what occurred with the narcissist, you will clean up the pain of your previous regretful experiences – the ones that unconsciously contributed to becoming involved with a narcissist.

Which means you will no longer continue to attract and maintain abusive and painful relationships.

Step 3 is one of the powerful steps which brings you toward creating a clean slate – a fresh start to create the life and love you truly wish to experience.

Most importantly, it releases you from judging, condemning and beating yourself up, which means you can become the love, acceptance and support of yourself that you have always wanted to receive from life and others.

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