Friday 14 February 2014

You Have a Gift

You Have a Gift

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

We were not put on this earth just to “exist” through our short span of years. Each one of us has been gifted with something, and our time on this planet is to take what we’ve been given and do something with it.

So the question for today is: What are we doing with the gift that we have? For example, if a person is a strong athlete, does he take some time to give to kids who want to improve their skills but who perhaps cannot afford to play? Or take a person who is intelligent. Does this person use her intelligence for the betterment of others and the world? What about a person who has wealth? Does this person use part of that wealth for something larger than himself?

We need to ask ourselves these questions because really, according to the kabbalists, nothing in our life is really ours. Even the number of years we have on this earth is only time lent to us for a purpose, and that purpose is to connect to the Light and to share this Light with the rest of the world.

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