Sunday 9 February 2014

Daily Inspiration

When is the shift going to take place? This is the question people keep asking. Now that 2012 has come and gone with no discernable catastrophic impacts, what does the future hold? Those who are very sensitive have already experienced a major shift that is continuing to take place. Instead of it being a huge external event that rocks the world, the shift is more an internal process that is raising awareness and shifting consciousness.

Certainly there may be major earth changes that will take place. However, instead of waiting for something huge to force us to become aware, why not embrace the internal evolution that is so rapid and achievable due to the new energies on the planet. Create your own new reality and live it right now. Those who are already living in the new paradigm of cooperation, love and abundance will be prepared for whatever may come that wakes up the rest of the world. We can be there with a model of how the new society is already working and be prepared to welcome the entire world to smoothly adopt to a more sustainable and satisfying way of life.

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