Thursday 29 August 2013



Linda Francis

I love to share what I learn and to do it as quickly as I can. When I feel something is important for me, I know it also may be important for others.

As I share what I know, my understanding of it becomes more real and deeper. I feel the support of the Universe - the assistance of my guides and Teachers - when I am sharing things that can help others to empower themselves. For example, I occasionally speak with a contractor of the Seat of the Soul Institute about financial matters, however because I have shared things in the past that I felt could support him in creating authentic power, he now looks forward to deeper conversations with me. Our latest was about the recent death of one of his grandparents, and I was able to remind him of a multisensory perspective that allowed him to celebrate his grandparent's life while others in his family were still grieving.

I have noticed these kinds of experiences for many years, but they accelerated when I begin to say Yes to things my intuition suggested. Some of my intuitions were surprising and even preposterous to me. For example, when I met Gary, I knew that the Universe was connecting me to him. I wasn't looking for a partner, and the idea of being with this famous author was definitely unthinkable to frightened parts of my personality that felt so inferior to him. Yet I followed my intuition, and I began to share with him things that were important to me to share. This summer we celebrated our 20th anniversary together. Here is another example. Shortly after I met Gary, a vision came to me that showed me presenting beside him on a stage. Frightened parts of my personality were relentless in their thoughts, "I can't go on stage in front of people. I have nothing of value to say." etc. Several months later I found myself on stage co-presenting in front of 1,500 people with Gary and our friend, Kenny Loggins, the singer and songwriter. It was quite a stretch, but I knew that I needed to share, and I did it.

These kind of things have happened many times, and I now trust that they will happen. Each time I love the feeling of cocreation with the Universe that comes with them. When I don't share what is most important to me - what could help people empower themselves, if they are open - my life becomes very small. Frightened parts of my personality grow stronger in their limited perspectives that keep me small and safe and my life devoid of real meaning.

If you find your sharing is limited to superficial things, you have a wonderful surprise in store for you when you share with an open heart and without attachment to the outcome.

With Love,

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