Friday 24 February 2012

The Soul's Purpose (or the sole purpose)!

22nd February 2012 – Jake Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

I have 500 sheets of paper in front of me and I still don’t have enough room to tell you how much I love you...Ish'llah

I asked Neytiri if she is ready to die and this time I got an emphatic “Yes”. In the book “Conversations with God” the author states that we have made death into a “bad / sad” event, which is basically incorrect.
When the soul is ready to go it will leave, always. So rather than judge the event, just accept it has what is, for we know not what the soul’s purpose is.
On Monday, a teacher at my son’s school was involved in a murder / suicide. Previously, I would have judged the event as tragic and an unnecessary loss of life. Now I just accept it as what it is.  It is the soul’s journey of each person directly (and indirectly) affected by the incident.  Everything happens according to plan. There are no accidents.
He further goes on the state that the soul’s purpose is to experience and find perfect love.  Perfect love is like what perfect white is to colours.  Perfect white is not an absence of colour but is made up of a combination of all known colours.
So, perfect love is made up of all human emotions, “good” and “bad”. To experience perfect love the soul has to experience every human emotion combination possible and this can take many lifetimes. Wow!  All makes sense to me now.
There is Power in Clarity.
I met a dear friend of mine and he was updating me about the events in his life.  As the conversation progressed I felt compelled to tell him of my journey to date.  The Force was very strong and I made a mental note to ask Neytiri how she slept that night.
Anyway before I could ask her, she pre-empted it by stating she had a poor night’s sleep.  I told her I was meant to ask her about it and related the encounter I had had earlier in the day.
During the conversation with my friend, he bought up the movie, The Curious case of Benjamin Button. He had actually written down some notable lines form the movie.  As we read through the list, I felt a surge in the Force. So as the movie has now been indicated, I will have to see it again. Awesome!
Neytiri said that I had told her I was at peace with our relationship.  She said she is still not 100% at peace with it and struggles with the “right” or “wrong” of it.   I reiterated that there is no such thing and only thing makes it so.
In matters where there is a conflict between heart (feelings) and mind (ego), always go with you feelings.  Feelings never lie!

Tonight we have folk dancing.  A year ago I had SMS Neytiri about going to this event. What a difference a year makes. We commented that a year ago we were both in a different place.
She still does not believe she was the catalyst for my awakening!  Jsu being modest? However, we have both grown as a result.

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