Friday 29 November 2013


Creating authentic power requires stretching yourself.  It can be no other way.  Authentic power is the ability to speak and act with love no matter what is happening inside you and no matter what is happening outside you.  Frightened parts of your personality speak and act in fear.  If they are not challenged, your life remain unchanged - still angry, jealous, dissatisfied.  When you challenge them - when you choose not to act on them when rage roars through you, jealousy eats at you, thoughts of vengeance will not leave you, or sex, alcohol, food, pornography, or gambling magnetically attract you - your life changes.  This is the stretch that changes you.  It is the act of creating authentic power - the moment of consciously moving beyond the control of your fear.  Doing this repeatedly creates authentic power.  You stretch yourself again and again, and eventually the control of the frightened parts of your personality over you diminishes.  Then it disappears.  Experiences of fear - anger, jealousy, despair, rage - may return, but they do not affect you as deeply.  They run off you, so to speak, like water off the feathers of a duck.

As you create authentic power your life fills with purpose and  meaning.  You begin to give the gifts that you were born to give, the gifts that you cannot give while fear controls your deeds and words.  Your commitment to spiritual growth and courage to experience your fears consciously enable you to stretch yourself beyond them, and stretching yourself beyond the control of your fears allows joy and fulfillment.  That's the way it  works.

The Seat of the Soul Institute supports you in stretching beyond the control of your fears and nurturing yourself with the joy of creating with love.

Commitment is a stretch when you commit to something new, something constructive and  healthy, and stick to it, such as commitment to your integrity.  How do you  stay in integrity without being insensitive? How can you be sensitive to others and stay in it? 

There are degrees of commitment, and each new degree is a stretch.  It is as though we are individuals who are practicing yoga.  As we stretch we become more limber, but we are always at the edge of what we can do.  Individuals who come into the Authentic Power Learning Community may think that they are committed to creating authentic power and feel that they are committed, and yet as they begin to experience the depth of the transformation that occurs within themselves as they develop emotional awareness and apply responsible choice, they discover that they are indeed required to commit yet again. 

Having a child is a commitment, and as the child grows, parents begin to understand in more fullness the demands of parenthood, and as they do, their commitment deepens or they fall into despair.  As the child grows into adulthood, the commitment of the parents must deepen yet again to provide the love and wisdom they want to share in ways they are at the same time learning and learning how to share.

It is the same with creating authentic power.  The more you enter your life consciously, the more challenges and opportunities appear in equal measure.  The more difficulties and tumultuous emotions you  experience consciously and challenge, the more potential for freedom from fear and the spaciousness of joy appear.  The more you stretch yourself, the more you gain.  And you gain nothing when you do not stretch yourself.  Creating authentic power is stretching yourself in every way that counts.

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