Monday 27 January 2014


--Friendship with God by Neale Donald Walsch
How can I experience Ultimate Reality in any particular moment?
Be still and know that I am God.
I mean that literally.
Be still.
That is how you will know that I am God, and that I am always with you. 
That is how you will know that, you are One with Me. That is how you will meet the Creator inside of you.
If you have come to know Me, to trust Me, to love Me, and to embrace Me – if you have taken the steps to having a friendship with God – then you will never doubt that I am with you always, and all ways.
So, as I have said before, embrace Me. Spend a few moments each day embracing your experience of Me. Do this now, when you do not have to, when life circumstances do not seem to require you to. Now, when it seems that you do not even have time to. Now, when you are not feeling alone. So that when you are “alone,” you will know that you are not.
Cultivate the habit of joining Me in divine connection once each day. I have already given you directions on one way that you may do this. There are other ways. Many ways. God is not limited, and neither are the ways to reach God.
Once you have truly embraced God, once you have made that divine connection, you will never want to lose it, for it will bring you the greatest joy you ever had.
This joy is What I Am, and What You Are. It is Life Itself, expressing at the highest vibration. It is supra-consciousness. It is at this level of vibration that creation occurs.
You might even say it’s the Creation Vibration!

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