Saturday 21 December 2013

Daily Inspirational Message

Is your life being guided by destiny or is it a product of your choices? This question has been debated for centuries, and there seems to be no definitive answer. Some people say that your life path is determined by a contract made prior to birth, so that even your time of death is predetermined. Others say that your life is created by your choices on a moment-to-moment basis and your entire world is your own creation, whether done consciously or subconsciously.

It seems the world we inhabit rarely involves black and white, yes or no answers, but often there is a mix that makes our choices interesting and challenging. Perhaps we have come in with a life purpose. How do we know it and how soon in life do we connect with it? Don’t many people choose to avoid their true purpose while settling for a life of so-called comfort and stability? Personally, I feel we come in with a destined purpose; however, our choices create our life. We can either discover, embrace, and do everything to accomplish our purpose, or we can hide and try to avoid it. Nothing seems to be predetermined, yet when you choose to follow your purpose it seems that destiny takes over and guides you toward that purpose in a mystical and miraculous way.

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