Monday 30 December 2013

Daily Inspiration

On this day of your life, Neytiri & Jake, I believe God wants you to know...

...that the method of the enterprising is to plan with
audacity and execute with vigor.

Christian Nevell Bovee said that, and it is a valuable
observation. As we experience this holiday season, and
you begin thinking about the New Year ahead, plan
with audacity.

And as you move into the New Year, execute your
plans with vigor. There is excitement in life -- but you
have to put it there.

Incidentally, you may begin executing with vigor right
now. Why wait?


What is the most common factor in success? Is it intelligence, talent, a ready supply of money, charisma, a powerful network, or just plain luck? Although each of these may play a role, perhaps the most pervasive ingredient in the success of those who have created their own fortunes is persistence. A large percentage of self-made millionaires and billionaires have also suffered massive failures. Many have gone bankrupt with ventures. Often they are ridiculed for their ideas and are told by many that making their idea a reality is impossible.
Most people tend to quit when faced with this kind of rational opposition, from family, friends, and experts. However, those who achieve the greatest success are those who persevere in spite of all the challenges, setbacks, and personal hardships. They have something more important than logical analysis. They have faith that nothing is impossible if one’s intention and purpose is strong and clear. This faith enables them to persevere in spite of all challenges. Instead of quitting, usually when getting so close to reaching your goal, why not continue to push forward until the success you desire is fully achieved.

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