Sunday 22 September 2013

10 Steps to Inner Peace!

By Aine Belton
1. Acceptance
Take a moment to accept yourself, life and others just as you/it/they are.”
With acceptance comes peace.

Furthermore, as you accept yourself as you are, you more easily let go of what you’re not. Same goes for others. It’s what you resist that persists, and can also get repressed into your shadow showing up in your world and others through projections of what you have denied within.

Accept yourself for who and where you are right now. Accept all of you – the light and dark, strengths and weaknesses – and open to more of the loving nature of your true self.

Acceptance helps with letting go, puts you back in flow, makes you more open and free, and brings positive transformation.

2) Letting Go

Holding on to anything, be that a person, situation, an expectation of how things should be, the past, etc., will stand in the way of peace. Perhaps you fear letting go, perhaps you are caught in trying to control, perhaps you lack trust in yourself or faith in the unfoldment of life and events.

Other things you can let go of for greater peace in your life include negative beliefs and stories (about yourself, life or others), un-serving thoughts, feelings and attitudes, etc.

What can you let go of today? Perhaps it’s resentment, fear, guilt, anger, pain, shame, blame, judgment, etc.

3) Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgiveness of self and others is like mind-body-soul detox. It liberates you from toxic emotions and draining attachments. Forgiving yourself also helps resolve guilt, shame and feelings of undeserving that can otherwise block peace, happiness and success. Forgiveness is an immensely powerful force for healing and transformation and a beautiful gift to give yourself or another.

4) Suspend Judgment

Judgment always stands in the way of peace. Judging others, or yourself, lowers your energy and separates you from love and joy. Having an opinion isn’t the same as judging and doesn’t hold the harsh energy that judgment does.

What you judge in another may be something you secretly judge in yourself that you have not yet owned and are projecting outwards. Use judgment as a means to become more conscious of yourself, you inner buttons, beliefs and repressed aspects.

The more you love and accept yourself, the less you will judge others or be affected by the judgments of others and greater peace will abide.
When you judge you project your shadows onto others, when you love you project your light.”
5) Trust

Trust is a great buddy of peace, and a potent anti-dote to fear that so often stands in the way of that peace.

Trust yourself and your power as a creator. Trust in a loving Universe that is on your side. Trust the doors that are opening and the ones that are closing. Relinquish control and allow yourself to be carried along a river of trust and flow that will take you to bright realities aligned to your soul’s purpose with grace and ease.

Trust that you are on a co-creative journey, that there is a bigger picture, and that there is love, help and guidance available to you in every moment. Trust that the universe wants you to have what you desire as much as you do. Trust that you are loved more than you know, more than you will ever know!

Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. You can have what you desire with belief, intention, positive expectation, knowing you deserve (which you always do) and a willingness to receive.

Trust brings a sense of peace, ease, faith and confidence, and lessens any desire to control or have things be a certain way. If there is an area of your life you are fearful or doubtful around, lean into trust, embrace it, and let it embrace and carry you.

You deserve the best, ever and always, whether you realise that or not. The universe wants the best for you in every moment. You are the only one who can stand in your way.

Trust the turning of the tide. Have faith and hope in your heart. Hold bright visions of the future you desire to create, make positive choices for yourself and commit to those through action.

Release your dreams and visions into the world. Trust, believe, open to receive and expect their materialization in your world in the highest and best way for you!”

5) Feel your Feelings

Harboring constricting emotions obviously blocks inner peace. You may need to get in touch with and release those feelings first. This may mean moving through your pain, hurt, rage, guilt, loss, etc. to the peace that awaits on the other side.

I’ve no doubt you’ve experienced that deep sense of calm that comes after a big emotional release. If you are trying to stuff emotions down, instead let them bubble up and move through you.

Repressing emotions, trying to control them, being scared or judgmental of them, obviously affects your sense of peace. Honour your emotions and listen to what they are telling you about what’s going on inside. If they are negative or uncomfortable, what thoughts, beliefs or stories are they pointing to that may need changing or releasing?

Expressing your feelings rather than denying or repressing them brings healing and release. By this I don’t mean wallowing in them or giving them undue attention if they don’t serve you (i.e. nip that self-pity in the bud!), nor do I mean dumping them on another under the flag of being ‘authentic’ – take responsibility for your impact.

As part of releasing your feelings you may want to write them down, share them with a friend, or express them through creativity.
When it comes to emotions don’t skirt in the shallows; dive in deep, get wet, let their currents be fully felt.”
6) Meditate

Meditation has so many benefits, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically, as science is now recognizing and reporting. Meditation allows the conscious ‘monkey mind’ to still, brings calm and clearer perspectives and dissipates negative energy and states, allowing stress to wash away as you come to centre and connect to more of what’s real, the true nature of your being and loving voice of your Higher Self – the spiritual being that you really are – within.

Meditating creates an opportunity to raise your consciousness, connect to your heart, honour the sacred (in you and the Source of All, whatever name you hold for that), for your energy field to renew and recharge and to ‘plug-in’ to expanded awareness and higher states of being.

7) Take Responsibility

Responsibility brings freedom and empowerment, and with that, peace. It shifts you out of victim mode, blame and resentment, for example, all of which interfere with your inner peace. The more you take responsibility for your life, the better able you feel to change it, and with that more inner peace is granted.

When you blame and complain you remain the same; responsibility brings freedom and change.”

You create or allow your experience at some level, whether you are aware of that, or the roots and whys.

Become aware of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and choices that are creating your reality. Take responsibility for them and choose those that serve you and your world. Get excited about the future, own your power and get manifesting! Shift the gears of your focus from fear and problems to solutions and desired outcomes, from blame to gain, wounded to winner, falling to soaring.

One of the swiftest ways to empower your life is to start realizing that you are its author and get writing a new script!”

8) Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgiveness of self and others is a mind-body-soul detox. It liberates you from negative emotions and draining attachments. Forgiving yourself helps to resolve guilt, shame and undeserving that can otherwise block peace, happiness and success. It is an immensely powerful force for healing and transformation and a beautiful gift to give yourself or another.

9) Know You Are Loved

You are loved by people in your world. How much do you let that love in? You are also loved totally and unconditionally by the Source of Creation, whatever name you hold for that. If you don’t walk a spiritual path, imagine there is a part of you that loves you totally and unconditionally, beyond reasons, beyond seasons. This love is available to you in any moment and requires only your willingness to receive. There is nothing you need do to win this love, and nothing you can do to lose it. Open and allow this love in; the love that wants to be given in every moment. With that will come great peace.

Start by allowing in the possibility that you are loved totally and unconditionally right now, just as you are. You are loved more than you will ever know, in ways beyond that which you may be able to currently comprehend.

Opening to the love that is always there for you helps you experience more of your true value, worth and inherent deserving, dissolves fear and heals pain of separation.
You are loved beyond reasons, you are loved beyond seasons, unconditionally, eternally, you are loved.
10) Love, Love, Love!

Love yourself and others. There may be times this is easier than others, yet make it your overriding intention. There may be some people you choose to love from a distance, yet that love is still a healing energy nonetheless.
The beauty with love is, whether near or far, you can love from wherever you are.”
Love lies at the heart of all that you seek, and separation from it lies at the root of your troubles and pain. Let love be a guiding light in your life that will steer your ship through stormy waters back to the shore of happiness and joy. We all love to love and be loved! It doesn’t get better than that! It is the highest vibration there is. The more you love yourself and others, the happier, brighter and more successful your life will become.

With love,
Aine Belton

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