Friday 1 June 2012

Walking with Awareness

My new mantra is : In My World Nothing ever goes wrong. Everything happens for a reason. I am the Witness!

Be Still and Know!

Last night I told Neytiri how special the recent music that has come into our lives is. I said "Saying I love you is not enough anymore!" My feelings for her are much deeper. I said I need to come up with something more meaningful:

I See Her; I Feel Her; I Love Her = I AM ONE WITH HER!

So that's my new expression: I am one with you, I AM!

She told me about a confrontation she had with her parents' about her sister. Although she was present and did not lose it, she was still bitter that they could not see her point of view. I reminded her "If you have a choice between being right (but bitter) or kind (and peaceful), always choose Kind."

I told her to be at peace with their decision and let it go.  She gave them her opinion and that's all that was required.  Her parents have their own issues to deal with regarding the sister and at some level they would have fears.  In fact, their biggest fear may not be that they lose her but that she gets cured / recovers! Then, how do they reconcile their scarfices, esteem, purpose and codependency? At some level, they are happy for the sister to remain a victim so they can give meaning to their lives. 

As it is stated in the Big Book sometimes the alcoholics family does not want them to recover and cannot handle it once the person does! Sounds bizarre but so very true. We learn to cope with the dysfunction so it becomes "normal" and then react badly when it is taken away from us.

So Neytiri continues to wear the label her parents have given her : Black sheep of the family; the trouble maker!  All so cosy.

The label is the belief and there is always doubts with beliefs.  And then there is the Knowing, which is internal and no doubt exists.   Your choice.

She is away next week on a break so we'll have time out for a fortnight. Either way I am one with her, I am!

Dyer says we should all spend time with nature and even in the cities, we could walk barefoot in the park. Feel at one with nature. Wilderness is therapy. So that's what I'll do this weekend and next.

The 100th Post! Yipee!

Mindful Walking

Walking meditation is a simple way to connect with your spirit and mother earth in a very grounded way.

Many of us take the benefits of walking for granted. Each day we limit the steps we take by driving or sitting for long periods of time. But walking even a few blocks a day has unlimited benefits – not only for our health, but our spirit as well, for as we walk, we connect with the earth.

Even when walking on concrete, the earth is still beneath us, supporting us. Walking lets our body remember simpler times, when life was less complicated. This helps us slow down to the speed of our body and take the time to integrate the natural flow of life into our cellular tissue. Instead of running from place to place or thinking about how much more we can fit into our day, walking allows us to exist in the moment.

Each step we take can lead us to becoming more mindful of ourselves and our feelings. Walking slows us down enough not only to pay attention to where we are in our body, but also to our breath. Taking time to simply notice our breath while we walk, through the length of our inhales and exhales, and becoming attuned to the way in which we breathe is taking a step towards mindfulness. When we become more mindful, we gradually increase our awareness of the environment around us and start to recognize that the normal flow of our thoughts and feelings are not always related to where we are in the present moment. Gradually we realize that the connection we have with the earth and the ground beneath our feet is all that is. By walking and practicing breathing mindfully we gain a sense of calm and tranquility -- the problems and troubles of the day slowly fade away because we are in the ‘now’.

The simplicity and ease of a walking practice allows us to create time, space and awareness of our surroundings and of the wonders that lie within. Taking a few moments to walk each day and become more aware of our breath will in turn open the door for the beauty of the world around us to filter in.

For more information visit

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