Monday 18 June 2012


18th June 2012 – Jake  You know when you have found your soul mate because you not only have a smile on your face but in your heart as well..Ish’llah

REFLECTION FOR TODAY: Those of us who have been sexuallu abused as children tend to feel a lot of shame, fear and rage. If we do not face these feelings, we will hang on to self-defeating behavior. When we are willing to face our shame, fear and rage, we can start to heal. It may be scary and painful to face those experiences from our past, but the option of not facing that pain seems far worse. A painful existence by denial is comparable to living in a self-made hell.

God, please help me to trust at least one person today with my secret pain.

I do not have to continue feeling guilt and shame for childhood experiences.


I watched a reality TV show on the weekend for aspiring Bollywood actors.  The acting coach told them : "I want you to stop the google head, i.e. Stop Thinking and Start Feeling!" Acting is all about feelings and emotions. Some contestants had blockages and could not cry; just like me! She then gave them a breathing technique to clear any blockages.  After they did the breathing she asked them "Give me happy; give me sad; give me anger; give me envy, etc"  It was amazing to see the change in the contestants.  It is definitely something we will do on our retreat.

The dancing coach called one of the contestants into his office for a private chat and asked her: "So tell me about you background and what brings you here." After she told him, he told her: "You need to find your calling, just as I have.  But in order to find it you have to LET GO! LET GO, create the Space, so then God can fill the space!" WoW!  Just what we need.

It is peculiar how eventually science catches up with Kabbalah. Many technological and scientific advances discovered over the past six decades were taught, discussed and scribed by our teacher's teachers.

If you told a scientist 90 years ago that a butterfly flapping its wings initiates a domino effect that can lead to a tornado in a different part of the world, they'd probably look at you like you were crazy. Today, science calls it the Chaos Theory.

But proven or not, the idea that the smallest of actions can impact the world is still difficult to believe. Maybe we're just a little selfish in our careers, working in our jobs mainly with the intention of what we are getting out of it. Then suddenly there's a riff in our relationships at home or with a friend and we think, "This isn't my fault!"

We do a good job at compartmentalizing our lives, thinking that the way we behave in one area will have no effect on the other, but the truth is there are no compartments in the spiritual realm. The illusion of fragmentation only exists in the physical dimension. It's all connected.

This is a tough pill to swallow, but the Light ensures it's a true and just system we live in. The trouble is, when the struggles come, it's nearly impossible for us to connect the dots. The system was created that way so we could have an opportunity to base our certainty in the Light and not our five senses.

We can get better at spotting the spiritual law of cause and effect at work by maintaining an awareness that at every moment we are planting a seed. Planting seeds of selfishness, jealousy, or impatience will eventually lead to difficulty and struggle. On the other hand, planting seeds of sharing, tolerance, unconditional love bring us fulfillment.

Let's try to be more aware this week of what we're putting out into the universe.

Even the smallest actions of kindness can create a lot of love in the world.

All the best,


Kuf Nun Mem


I am not a victim.

All my feelings of self-pity and regret, and my hopes of retaliation are vanishing as I accept the consequences of my own actions.

I take responsibility for where I am, and know that if I want to change my circumstances it is within my control.

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