Tuesday 5 June 2012


 As I was studying from the Zohar this week, I started to think about all the miracles the Israelites had seen—the splitting of the Red Sea, the plagues, the manna from Heaven. How is it possible they still had distrust and uncertainty in the Light? Time after time, people had the chance to put an end to darkness and yet each time their ego prevented them from revealing the Light.

It seems completely illogical, doesn’t it? But the truth is, we do the same thing.

If Moses himself came to us and told us exactly what we needed to change, it would take most of us maybe five seconds before we started in with the questions: How do I know this is the real deal? What if there is an easier way? Can I start next week? How do I know this old dude is really Moses anyway?

No matter how many miracles we may see in our lives, if we look for reasons not to do our spiritual work, we’ll find them.

We can always find a reason why we’re too busy to change. We can always justify putting off until tomorrow the work we know needs to be done today. We can always judge why a person isn’t worthy of our efforts.

Or, we can always choose to change.

This week, let’s seize every opportunity we get to help each other, to go the extra mile, to be willing to get our hands dirty and do the difficult work.

The more we take full advantage of every chance we are given to reveal the Light, the less darkness we will have in our own lives. Maybe together we can even tip the scales a little more toward the good for the world.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

Bet Kaf Lamed


As I breathe, I visualize myself doing the work that needs to be done to complete my goals.

Any frustration or procrastination drifts away.

I feel stronger, more connected to my Light Force.

Laziness and doubt are gone, and I see myself fulfilled.

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