Wednesday 13 June 2012

Recognising Happiness

13th June 2012 – Jake – R u back?
13th June 2012 – Neytiri – Yes give me 15.
13th June 2012 – Neytiri – Are we on Skype today?
13th June 2012 – Jake – Yes, give me 15.
13th June 2012 – Jake – Walking under the rain feels so lonely and cold. But if you were there beside me to share the warmth of your love then I would want to stay under the rain for the rest of my life. 

After almost 2 weeks we caught up again and during these periods when we are apart I sometimes have to pinch myself.  It is like my life is devoid of a part of me. And then when we finally on Skype it is like all is back in equilibrium and there is only joy, peace and love (JPL).  I am just so present and no issue seems to be insurmountable. Heaven!
Neytiri has her own fears to address and seems to be doing some serious soul searching. We have now come to the pointy end of the relationship and she is having like a “buyer’s remorse” happening; I am making the right decision and her biggest fear is “What if the dream become reality!”. She has built up 25 years of psychological time and attachment.
How do we open our minds to everything and have attachment to nothing?  The answer is simple: Let go and Let God!  Thy Will be done.  If it is Her Will for us then so be it.  Easier said, than done.
Neytiri finally got to see The Joy Luck Club and she said it had a lot of meaning for her.  She related that after I told her about the movie, she was watching TV with the kids and a character was reading a book; The Joy Luck Club.  She was like WoW!
I told that a definite sign.  The movie or book has been indicated and hence she must follow through.  That is the power of awareness and the Light.  In the past such messages / signs would have been missed because we were unconscious.
She went on to say that she could not sleep so got up early to watch the movie.  She prefers watching such movies alone so she is not distracted by the kids or judged for her choices. So as she is watching Tsu’tey gets up and watches part of the movie with her.  Her daughter is also up and watches with her whilst doing her homework.  SO there must be something in it for all of them.
She tells me she enjoyed spending time in nature and her awareness was much greater.  As Dyer says “Wilderness is therapy”. She related how she sat on a rock and felt one with it.  She was reminded of a scene from Avatar where Tsu’tey says “A rock sees more than Jake!”  Now that progress. Good onya!
A simple mantra: Be Kind and Count Your Blessings!

 Analyzing the Path

by Madisyn Taylor

When we take the time to recognize when we are happy and what that feels like, it becomes easier to recreate.

Those of us on the path of personal and spiritual growth have a tendency to analyze our unhappiness in order to find the causes and make improvements. But it is just as important, if not more so, to analyze our happiness. Since we have the ability to rise above and observe our emotions, we can recognize when we are feeling joyful and content. Then we can harness the power of the moment by savoring our feelings and taking time to be grateful for them.

Recognition is the first step in creating change, therefore recognizing what it feels like to be happy is the first step toward sustaining happiness in our lives. We can examine how joy feels in our bodies and what thoughts run through our minds in times of bliss. Without diminishing its power, we can retrace our steps to discover what may have put us in this frame of mind, and then we can take note of the choices we’ve made while there. We might realize that we are generally more giving and forgiving when there’s a smile on our face, or that we are more likely to laugh off small annoyances and the actions of others when they don’t resonate with our light mood.

Once we know what it feels like and can identify some of the triggers and are aware of our actions, we can recreate that happiness when we are feeling low. Knowing that like attracts like, we can pull ourselves out of a blue mood by focusing on joy. We might find that forcing ourselves to be giving and forgiving, even when it doesn’t seem to come naturally, helps us to reconnect with the joy that usually precedes it. If we can identify a song, a picture, or a pet as a happiness trigger, we can use them as tools to recapture joy if we are having trouble finding it. By focusing our energy on analyzing happiness and all that it encompasses, we feed, nurture, and attract more of it into our lives, eventually making a habit of happiness.

For more information visit

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