Thursday 28 June 2012

Doing Our Best Work

28th June 2012 – Jake – I want to be with you forever so that I can love you in a way that no one else can and care for you in a manner that only I would. But they broke my heart when they said forever isn’t true. Can we prove them wrong by working on forever, just me and you?

REFLECTION FOR TODAY: Whenever I pray for God’s will for me, I must understand that as I move throughout this day, I am probably doing what I should be doing. I was afraid that God’s will for me would be something outlandish I would not want to do. I have come to believe God’s will for me is to take care of the responsibilities in my present day life the best way I can.
If I pray for anything specific today, may I understand that You will hear me and respond.
God always answers prayers: sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes wait.

Life Shines Brighter

When we let our ego control our thoughts about business, marriage, and our relations with others, a curtain is suspended that conceals the truth from our lives (and the Light from our soul.) Within this cocoon, our ego grows stronger, our true self becomes more concealed, and life gets darker.

This is reactive consciousness. But when we resist our ego, we tear down a curtain and we can see the truth around and inside of us. This is proactive consciousness—we stop our egocentric impulses and unleash the will of our soul. That's when life shines brighter.

The other night was as close to a moment of truth as we have ever been.  Neytiri said she was anxious. She said “I’m always anxious with you.” I always feels JPL with her and she she’s always anxious; go figure!
She said “I’ll tell you later.” So I let her warm up first.
She started by saying how she is always thinking about me like when she is ironing, shopping, cooking, etc.  This made her question her feelings for Tsu’tey and she said she does have affection for him. And rightly so. They have 25 years of psychological time and attachment.
She asked me what I wanted.  I told her: “I what to be with her as one unconditionally.” I sais “It is not a matter of if but when.  It could be next week, next month, next year, next decade or next lifetime but I know it is true.” I said "14-15 moinths ago you told me I cannot live without you. That prophesy is now reality. You are part of me and I am part of you. We belong together."
She said she wanted the same and more; typical woman! She said she watches the kids and yes, she is attached to them and cannot let go.  She seems to think it is an either/or situation, which it is not.  There is order in the universe.  She does not have to “abandon” them!
What we have is divine and I told just Let Go; Let Go and Let God.  Everything happens with grace.
I told her to drop the “mask”.  I said her FB photo was her without the mask.  Her true self was exposed. And this night she dropped her mask! She said the 2 weeks I was away, she really missed me and was so grateful to have photos to look at.
On a lighter note, she is already thinking past her visit to Australia and planning a visit with friends. So much for Letting Go?
I read a random piece which happened to be about grace.  “Good”, “bad” and “ugly”, it all happens with Grace.  Sublime!

Only 19 sleeps to go before we are reunited on this incredible journey!

Roles of Supportby Madisyn Taylor

Each one of us is very much needed and we all have our role to play adding to the success of the whole.

In the great symphony of life, we all have important parts to play. While some people are best suited to be conductors or soloists, their contributions would be diminished considerably without the individual musicians that lend their artistry to the fullness of an orchestra. The magical accents of the percussion section might sound random and out of place without the music they accompany. But any one member of an orchestra, doing less than their best at their particular part, can destroy the harmony of the whole piece, such is their importance. So although we may not receive the same amount or quality of attention as another, all of our contributions are valuable and integral to the success of the whole.

When we do our tasks well, we infuse them with our unique energy, making each act a gift. Each of our personalities and talents are suited to different roles of support. Even leaders and star performers support others in their own way. We can look around us at any moment to see that while we nurture some people with our work, others are supporting us with their gifts. Doing any job from this place within us allows us to do our part with humility and gratitude, while also learning lessons that move us steadily toward our goals.

When we can be fully present in every job that we do, we bring the fullness of our bodies, minds and spirits to the moment. Our contribution is enhanced by the infusion of our talents and abilities, and when we give them willingly, they attract the right people and circumstances into our experience. Anything we do begrudgingly limits the flow of our energy and closes us off from the good that is available to us in every situation. But by giving the best in us to make the world around us better, we open ourselves to receive the best from the universe in return.

For more information visit

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