Thursday 7 June 2012

Missing Our Old Habits

7th June 2012 – Neytiri – English weather is living up to its reputation.

7th June 2012 – Neytiri – I know there are some things I have to accept as is. I can accept the weather but this woman is driving me nuts.

7th June 2012 – Neytiri – Reading Tolle.
Any disturbing noise can be helpful as silence. How? By dropping your inner resistance to the noise, by allowing it to be as it is, this acceptance also takes you into that realm of inner peace that is stillness.

7th June 2012 – Jake – She’s getting 2 me as well. I’m having a prick of a time. I’m all out of luv; I’m so lost without you!

This so far has been a prick of a week!  I seem to be going from one extreme to the next and not my normal, centred self. I have forgotten the basics and "bad" things appear to be more prevalent.

So last night I decided to get back to basics and do some spiritual reading and works. Conversations with God talks about the Soul - conceiving; the Mind - creating and the Body - experiencing! It was like Wow! What did Neytiri's and my Soul conceive way back when? We'll soon find out, I hope.

I remembered "In my World nothing ever goes wrong!" I am the Witness.  And last night I prayed for guidance and got it this morning.  All my fears just vanished.  The Ego had been stroked but not conquered. Still a long way to go but we getting there, one "bad" experience at a time.  I am so grateful for the experiences and feel blessed.

Sometimes we miss our old habits, hence the relevance of today's reading.

THE GOLDEN RULE: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
THE SILVER RULE: Do unto yourself what you would do for others.
THE IRON RULE: Don’t do for others what they can do for themselves.

40 sleeps to go!

Enduring Discomfort
by Madisyn Taylor

Sometimes when we break a habit or addiction we find ourselves missing it like a dear friend.

Whenever we make the effort to free ourselves of an addiction or a habit we no longer need, we are often surprised to find ourselves missing the old pattern as we would a familiar friend. This sounds counterintuitive, because we think we should instinctively gravitate toward that which is good for us. And yet, it makes a lot of sense when you consider that we humans are creatures of habit. This is why we gravitate to people and places—and patterns of behavior--that make us feel comfortable. Therefore, many of the habits we form are not conscious and are based instead on learned behavior from role models who were not always making the healthiest decisions.

Most addictions begin as a way of avoiding feelings that are extremely uncomfortable, so it makes sense that stopping the addiction means, for a time, a fair amount of discomfort. The same, of course, is true of habits that we have developed over time that we are ready to release. Just knowing that this is hard, and having compassion for ourselves as we work through this process, can help us to stay the course when we feel the urge to backtrack. It’s also helpful to remember that in time we will establish new, healthier patterns, and the yearning for the old ones will disappear. Eventually, we will instinctively reach for things that are good for us, and the longing for positive change may form the basis of a new habit.

The only way to get to this new place is to endure a time of difficulty, which is a challenge we can confidently handle, if we remember that it will lead to the change we seek in our lives. Our bodies, hearts, and minds always need time to adjust to a new way of doing things, but they will adapt, and even become our allies, if we remain true to our vision of a new way.

For more information visit

7th June 2012 – Jake – Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.

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