Thursday 17 May 2012

Why ‘Bad’ Things Happen

17th May 2012 – Jake – I've fallen in love many times….. always with you.

Responsibility brings freedom and empowerment; the more you take responsibility for your life, the more you are able to change it.

From a metaphysical perspective, reality is manifested through what you either choose or allow at some level, consciously or otherwise. What comes under the umbrella of that allowing is not always obvious.

Unravelling why certain negative experiences occur can help you transform in the light of understanding.

Whether you know the reason why or not, however, self-love is always an anti-dote.

Below are a few possible reasons why you might create or attract ‘negative’  happenings in your life.

I do not believe you need to grow through pain in any way, however, but there may be gifts even in bad experiences.

With very traumatic and tragic experiences please go lightly with the below. None of it is intended to dilute or disregard experiences or suggest there is ever good in pain, but more shed light on a range of possible reasons from more general perspectives, of which there may be many more with depths and intricacies not covered here.

As always, please accept only that which feels right and true to you.

Why ‘Bad’ Things Happen

* They could be a product of limiting beliefs you hold about yourself, others, or life itself (which you can, of course, change).

* Perhaps you have attracted something negative because you do not know the full extent of your worth, value and deserving. Guilt, shame, and negative self-concepts can also attract negative or painful situations. Self-love will always help to heal and resolve this. Your worth is innate; you cannot add to or subtract from it, and you deserve totally and utterly simply by being alive. You are born of love, returning to love.

* Are you addicted to drama? Do you use drama to feel alive and distract yourself from issues and possible other emotions you are avoiding?

* What may seem ‘bad’ from your current perspective could be a blessing in disguise and actually be bringing you closer to a brighter future whether you realise it at the time or not.

* Repressed emotions may attract people and situations that trigger or mirror these buried states. This can ultimately help you recognize what may need healing, changing or releasing within.

* You may have simply made a bad choice. If you learn from a mistake you will gain from it. Making mistakes is part of being human. Don’t fall in to the trap of guilt and self-condemnation. Instead, recognize, acknowledge, forgive and change.

* Something ‘bad’ happening may stem from an unconscious pattern, belief or story about the way life is, or buried wounds that are being brought to light to heal and transform.

* Perhaps there’s something you’re avoiding or sabotaging through a bad thing happening, such as success, love or intimacy. It may be worth examining any beliefs and fears around these. Are you more comfortable with failure than success? Do you believe ‘life is a struggle’? Do you feel guilty about success being easy? Do you believe ‘love hurts’?, etc.

* Gifts, healing and learning can come through challenges. The situation could be one from which you learn, grow and become more of who you are. Perhaps you face a fear and move through it, transforming and releasing that fear in the process and rising to triumph with greater strength and belief in yourself. Perhaps you discover the gift of forgiveness and deeper levels of love and compassion for yourself and others. Perhaps you are spurred through pain to connect more deeply to the light within and develop more love for yourself and others. Perhaps in experiencing a ‘dark night of the soul’ you are better able to be a lantern for others, offering them hope and a way through, which is part of your soul’s purpose.

* Challenges can also serve as wake up calls when you are out of alignment with your true self, disconnected from your path or heading in the wrong direction.

None of the above means you ever need to experience struggle, hardship or pain in your life to grow. There is no necessity or prerequisite for that, I believe.
You can learn more through joy, beauty, wonder, laughter, excitement, love and curiosity than through pain.” - Lazaris
The false nobility of struggle, sacrifice and martyrhood only take you away from happiness, love, success and shining your light, all of which are precious gifts not only to you, but to the world too.

That said, problems can hide gifts, as well as insights, healings, and positive change, and some challenges may turn out to be blessings in disguise. We rarely see the bigger picture or the know the full extent of our soul’s path from our everyday current perspectives.

The above is just a brief outline of possibilities, of which there can be many more. If any come to mind you wish to share, let us know below.

Whether you have any idea why something ‘bad’ has happened in your life or not, self-love is always a remedy!

That love will heal and transform things beautifully, and extend to bless others.

Processing your feelings, forgiving yourself and others and letting go may be stepping stones to greater love for self and others.

The more you love yourself and others, the brighter and happier your reality will become.  
Love is like sunshine itself and transforms your world into sweetness and flowers.”  
Awaken and own the inherent love, innocence, beauty and worth that you are.

You may need to start with accepting self, life and others just as you/it/they are. What you accept you more easily let go of and release.

If you’ve experienced something untoward in your life, forgive yourself, forgive others, let it go, and commit to love.

Intend for love. Ask for love. Make a choice for love. Give time to feel and open to love. Share your love. Receive love.

And know you always deserve :)

With love,

* Perhaps you are caught in a victim or martyr story, or have a self-pity agenda that has created or is fuelling the experience.

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