Wednesday 9 May 2012

Noticing Synchronicity

9th May 2012 – Jake  If you find yourself in a dark room, walls around you are red and blood comes from everywhere, don’t be scared. You’re safe inside my heart.

I recall when I did my Step 4 I told E, my sponsor that this was the list I came up with.  I may have missed some events as I could not remember all.  He told me not to worry; that everything comes to the fore if and when required, at the right time.
Over the last few calls we have been addressing Neytiri’s 8 month binge and the impact it has had on her and on our relation.  I see it as a blessing and the indirect cause of my awakening and I told her it will be hers, as well.  She will have what I have. Right now she cannot see it but will in time.
I told her I felt like I was in the event with her and could feel her pain, shame and humiliation all masked by the need for acceptance and approval.  Meeting the needs of the inner child. It was just like the list mentioned in the soulmate experiences, namely:
An uncanny ability to perceive and echo the subtleties of each other's thoughts, and involuntarily experience the other person's feelings.
Day by day our lives are becoming more and more entwined and the intensity of the oness increases until....? Who knows what? It does not matter, it is God's Will for us.

In order to progress one has to bottom out, reach a low where one realises that they cannot go on living the lie, that their life has become unmanageable. I think Neytiri has finally bottomed out.
Both of us have suffered sleepless, restless night these last few days and I always maintain these are good as they clear out the negativity.  For me any hidden shame comes to the fore and can be released.  I told anything I feel uncomfortable talking about means I still attached the carried shame to it and told her to continue asking the tough questions so I can neutralise/release the pain body.
Shame will always hide unless it is exposed and the into-me-see questions are the solution for us.
So as we enter the home stretch for her impeding visit, I suggested to her that when she is here we should do something embarrassing every day.  Kabbalah believes that embarrassment exposes the darkness to the light.
She only wants peace! What a shame…Ish’llah

Interconnected Experiences

When events appear to fit together perfectly in our lives it may seem at first that they are random occurrences, things that are the result of coincidence. These synchronous happenings, though, are much more than that, for, if we look at them more closely they can show us that the universe is listening to us and gently communicating with us. Learning to pay attention to and link the things that occur on a daily basis can be a way for us to become more attuned to the fact that most everything happens in our lives for a reason – even when that reason is not clear right away. 

When we realize that things often go more smoothly than we can ever imagine, it allows us to take the time to reflect on the patterns in our lives. Even events that might not at first seem to be related to each other are indicators that the universe is working with, not against, us. This idea of synchronicity, then, means that we have to trust there is more to our lives than what we experience on a physical level. We need to be willing to look more closely at the bigger picture, accepting and having confidence in the fact that there is more to our experiences than immediately meets the eye. Being open to synchronicity also means that we have to understand that our lives are filled with both positive and negative events. Once we can recognize that one event is neither more desirable nor better than the other – they all have an overall purpose in our lives -- then we are truly ready to listen to the messages the universe gives us. 

While we may not be able to see everything in our lives as being synchronous, we can certainly use hindsight to be more aware of how the universe guides us. This sense of wonder at the mysteries of the universe and the interconnectedness present in our lives will help us see our overall ways of being and will in turn make it easier to work more consciously towards our spiritual evolution.

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