Monday 12 March 2012

Get Real

9th March 2012 – Jake – I promise to be there when you need me, I promise to hug you tight when you’re lonely, I promise to wipe your tears when they fall and I promise to keep you, not for the rest of my life but for the rest of yours..Ish’llah

It never ceases to amaze how I get the right answers at exactly the right time and I am so grateful for these signs.  It means everything is happening to plan & no need to worry.  Below is this week’s Weekly Kabbalah Tune Up, which is so very relevant to us in this moment.  Everyone has a dark side...what’s yours?

Vav Chet Yud


I concentrate on this sequence of letters and ask the Light to illuminate my nature, to show me where I can make improvements in myself.

Show me my reactive behavior, my ego, and the negativity that covers up my soul so that I can work to clean it all up.

I will spend each day spreading Light and joy in the world, sharing my true and imperfect self with those around me.

None of us are 100% truthful, 100% of the time.

The ego demands admiration and respect, and so we seek to look like “the good guy.” If we were too lazy to work through the weekend, maybe we would use our loved ones as an excuse claiming, “Family comes first!” when we know we could have easily found the time between television and surfing the web. When we’ve helped at a soup kitchen all day, it’s the first thing we want to tell our friends about, but if we yelled at a co-worker or hurt someone close to us, it’s unlikely to be our next Facebook status update.

This even happens to the most spiritual of people! Maybe we want to get more people inspired to walk that path and so we pretend to be perfect human beings; we want people to think that we are without ego and that our lives are without strife. But while this may intrigue one to take up study, imagine what they will think of Kabbalah once they find out that you still have an ego, or that you still have challenges to overcome.

In the end, the truth always comes out.

This is a big reason so many of us fall in our spiritual work. We try to show how good we are on the outside, but on the inside, we are not really what we appear.

Developing the Light within is a process of transforming the negativity that no one sees buried within us. The important thing is not to lie—to others or to ourselves—in an attempt to cover up that negativity. Before long, we will believe the lie and out goes our spiritual work.

We live in a culture that glorifies self-promotion, but trying to seem “greater” than we are will never really bring us genuine fulfillment. That only comes from learning to “shrink” our ego so we can find acceptance and truth. Acceptance of ourselves leads to acceptance of others.

Exposing our negativity to others is exposing it to the Light.

This week’s assignment: Get real! Take down some of the walls you’ve constructed, remove the masks and don’t be afraid to embrace yourself as a flawed human being. We all are!
It’s only in facing the truth of our negativity that we can begin any honest work on removing it.

All the best,


I had a father & son fishing weekend.  First time we have both been fishing. It was great to be one with nature.  I fell on my bottom, I got stung by wasps and felt hot & bothered the first morning.  Despite all this I stayed present and accepted what is.  Consequently the weekend just got better.
The afternoon catch was great and my son caught dinner.  The next day was even better, as I caught some fish to take home to Mum!  All in all a very good experience, albeit my butt is still sore..C’est la vie!

However, Neytiri was always close to me and I wondered how she was coping. When we ended our call the last time she was visibly distressed and she rejected my presence and feelings for her.  This too shall pass!

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