Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Self-Love Barometer Test!

The Self-Love Barometer Test!

Answer the questions below for your self-love barometer.
Rate each answer between 1 and 10, with "1" being never, and "10" being always.
You will end up with a mark out of 200. Halve that number for your percentage ratio.

On the whole do you....
1. Enjoy time on your own?
2. Experience happy, loving, successful relationships with others?
3. Not take the opinions of others personally?
4. Feel free from the need to seek outside validation and approval?
5. Accept yourself exactly for who and where you are right now?
6. Feel loved by people, life and the universe even? (Your outer relationships will mirror your inner one).
7. Receive compliments comfortably?

8. Experience peace of mind and joy on a regular basis?
9. Feel free from any major grudges or judgments towards yourself or others?
10. Feel free from guilt?
11. Feel happy, alive, fulfilled, trusting, at ease and in the flow of life?
12. Feel confident in yourself and comfortable in your own skin?
13. Express yourself freely and openly with ease?
14. Feel compassionate and forgiving towards yourself and others?
15. Feel like your own best friend?
16. Experience positive thoughts and feelings towards yourself regularly?
17. Focus on and acknowledge your gifts, strengths, talents, and positive traits?
18. Be honest with yourself and others?
19. Allow your feelings to be felt and expressed to yourself?
20. Hold a positive self-image?

* Add up your marks out of 10 for each question to give you a mark out of 200. (Rate each answer between 1 and 10, with "1" being never, and "10" being always).
* Halve that number for your self-love barometer percentage.
Be compassionate with yourself and anything that comes up. Don't let your ego use your score to put yourself down if you feel it is lower than expected or you would like.

All is an opportunity for greater love, and know you already DO love yourself totally an unconditionally. A part of you - your Higher Self - loves you more than you may ever know. Whether you are aware of that love or not it exists within you and for you unconditionally right now :)

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