Friday 24 August 2012

Birds Fly in a "V"

Replant the Seed
Every time we catch ourselves in a reactive mode, we usually perceive our reactive emotions. But in order to transform our reactivity, we have to see the thought causing it.

In the same way that a tree has four basic levels of manifestation—seed, trunk, branches, and fruit—we go through four levels in our own reality. Seed corresponds to consciousness (that under-the-radar voice); trunk corresponds to feelings and emotions; branches correspond to actions; fruit represents our reality.

Even though we try to shut down our reactive feelings, if we do not change our consciousness by stopping those thoughts, at the seed, then we are not really changing our reactive nature.

Your inner purpose is to awaken. It is as simple as that. You share that purpose with every other person on the planet - because it is the purpose of humanity.

A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

"The solution of life problems requires courage and sincerity."

Traveling Companions
by Madisyn Taylor

Like birds flying in a V, when we feel the presence of others moving along side of us, there is little we cannot accomplish.

As they swoop, drift, and glide, inscribing magnificent patterns across the sky, birds are serene displays of grace and beauty. Long a source of inspiration, birds can be messengers from the spirit realm, or a symbol of the human soul, as they cast off their earthly mooring and soar heavenward. An upturned wing, a graceful flutter, all so effortless and free... More magnificent still is the inspiring sight of birds migrating, progressing steadily across the horizon in a solid V formation that is a singular pattern too unique to be mere chance.

Pushing steadily forward, this aerodynamic V reduces air resistance for the whole flock. With wings moving in harmony, the feathered group continues its course across the sky, covering more ground together in community than as individuals. When the bird at the front gets tired, she will move to the rear of the formation where the wind drag is lowest, and a more rested bird can take her place.

By learning from the example of our winged guides, all of us can feel empowered to take on daring challenges as we chart adventurous courses. Feel the strength of others moving alongside you, as their presence lends power to your wings during this journey across the sky of life. When buffeted by unexpected gusts, we can choose to find refuge in the loving shelter of friends and family. We may even marvel as an otherwise difficult day passes by like a swift wind, as a kindred spirit charts a way for us through the clouds and rain ahead. If your wings begin to ache on your journey, look around for somebody else to fly at the front for a while. All of us move faster when we move together. Let your ego drop earthwards as we all soar ever higher.

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