Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Grace of Co-Creation!

By Aine Belton

Awakening to the awareness that you create your reality – with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, and decisions – is both thrilling and liberating.

How utterly WONDER-full is it that you are shaping your experience in every moment, from the inside out?

As quantum science now proves, everything is energy, including you! It is your thoughts, feelings, desires and imagination that fuel and determine what manifests in your world from an infinite field of potential.

And it gets even more magical!

Whilst I could go into detail about the magic of manifestation, I want to explore something else in this article, a higher gear if you like.

There is a level of manifestation BEYOND conscious creation, and that is the grace of co-creation!

In my personal life it is this ‘dance with the universe’ that not only leads to the greatest rewards in terms of results achieved, and often far beyond my conscious anticipations, but makes the journey of life itself so much more fun, love-filed, blessed and magical!

You are not alone on your journey. You are loved guided and supported every step of the way, whether you realize that or not, and you can open to receive more of that grace, guidance and love from the universe.

There is a ‘bigger picture’ outside of the view-points of your conditioned personality self that you may not always be aware of; soul-level perspectives that know the optimum choices for your life that most reflect your gifts, potential, and purpose.

Your Higher Self, the spiritual being that you really are, and the unconditionally boundless loving source of creation, knows what will most serve you more than you do, and is aware of the countless possibilities available for your growth and success.
You live in a loving universe. All of the forces are here to give you assistance, to give you support.” ~ Emmanuel
You have free will and you can craft your life any way you choose in accordance with your desires. You both consciously and unconsciously create the world around you, yet you are not alone in the process.

You are a co-creator with the source of life, whatever name you hold for that, that ever conspires in your favour to assist in manifesting a life of highest potential.

One way to allow in and receive more of that ‘assistance’ is through owning more of your inherent value and worth, and the truth that you are loved, loving and loveable, ever and always.

Self-love and self-acceptance are pivotal, as is letting go of what you’re not, to reveal more of who you are.
As you accept yourself as you are, you more easily let go of what you’re not.”

When you open to the grace, flow, blessings and abundance that are the natural rhythm and nature of life and the universe, manifestation can reach a whole other level. Synchronicities abound, success becomes blessed and magical, and opportunities expand.

You likely have goals, yet there is a higher dream that is possibly above and beyond the confines of your conscious imaginings, and likely more aligned with your heart and soul. Co-creation allows more of this grander truer dream to manifest.

How do you engage co-creation? By asking and allowing, by choosing and receiving, by being open to and trusting in its workings, being sensitive to your intuition and pointers, and open to visions and inspirations that make your heart soar.

Seed your intentions with your desire (your desire is the way you ‘ask’ the universe for what you want), and be open and willing to receive their fruits in your world, with humility about the exact form those manifestations may take to allow the possibility of something beyond what you presently conceive, or more soul-rewarding.

Your reality is a reflection and extension of the entirety of your mind, a hologram of your consciousness. It is also a platform and gateway with which the universe can communicate with you via signs, signals and ‘whispers’ in your day-to-day life that serve as pointers and nudges to guide and assist you on your path.

The more you recognise that you are eternally connected to an all-loving infinitely abundant source, the more you will allow in the gifts and synchronicities that require only a willingness and openness to receive.

Receiving is so often the missing ingredient to success. Any blocks to receiving are blocks to the realities you desire. Practise receiving in all areas of your life, whether it’s compliments, gifts, the experience of another, the beauty of nature. When you appreciate something and are grateful for it, you allow it in, you receive it.

Receiving creates a gateway through which the universe can bring gifts into your life. It enables the magic of co-creation and the serendipitous possibilities beyond the limits of your imaginings. The more you allow yourself to receive, the more elegant, swift and bountiful your attraction becomes.

Receiving is often regarded as something you do in response to a gift, yet developing the willingness and ability to receive in and of itself creates those very gifts appearing in your reality. As the saying goes, when the receiver is ready the gift appears. The universe is an oasis of dreams-come-true waiting to happen!
All you desire is yours to receive.
I emphasize receiving here as it is more often ignored in the give-receive cycle. The value of giving is far more recognized than that of receiving. They are intrinsically linked and each opens you to the other. The more you give, the more you receive, and the more you receive (from yourself, the universe or others) the more you are able to give.

Practice receiving in your day to day life. Notice when someone pays you a complement and observe how you react. Do you let it in? Or do you try to deflect, deny or resist it?
When you receive good news, a success or the manifestation of something you desire, acknowledge it, for you have received!”
Get in touch with what it feels like to receive. Cultivate it, practice it. Get acquainted and familiarize yourself with the energy of receiving. Affirm your openness and willingness to receive.

Receiving is one of the most powerful and elegant ways you can allow in the grace of co-creation. By allowing yourself to receive you can allow in the love, blessings and successes the universe wishes to bestow upon you every step of your journey.

Be aware of any negative associations you may have around receiving. Perhaps you believe receiving is selfish, feel you do not deserve to receive, or if you are a man feel that receiving is something more for women. Perhaps you feel receiving would put you in a vulnerable position and hence fear it, or you fear losing a sense of control.

Acknowledge and be grateful for all that you love already in your reality and that gratitude will open to receive more of ANYTHING in general, as well as more of the same into your life. As you open to receive the gifts and bounty that are already in your life, you will become more open to receive new gifts, love and successes.

Make loving yourself a priority. The more you love and value yourself, the more you will allow yourself to receive brighter more loving realities into your life.

Doing your bit!

Obviously you want to do your bit to assist the manifestation process, namely take action, visualise your dreams, choose and foster positive beliefs, thoughts and feelings, love yourself and your reality, (as well as feel gratitude, forgive yourself and others to allow greater love, etc.).

I explore more on what you can do to assist the co-creative process in my follow up article coming next with specific steps.

To allow success to be more effortless through co-creation, begin with an awareness that you are not alone, that you are loved and guided and supported, and communications are being offered to you through your intuition, synchronicities and pointers in your outer life.

Release beliefs around life being a struggle, “No pain, no gain”, “Life is hard” mentality, etc., and any false nobility you may associate with struggle.
Life doesn’t have to be a struggle, step onto the soft grass.”
There are a number of ways you can PROACTIVELY aid the co-creation process for manifesting your highest dreams I explore in my follow-up article “5 keys to catalyse co-creation!” coming next.

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