Thursday 13 June 2013

The New Moon of Cancer: The Glass is Half Full

This weekend, we will enter the lunar month of Cancer.

According to kabbalists, each month—whether we are born in that month or not—grants us specific opportunities to overcome spiritual challenges so that we can go on to our next level.

Cancerians, in particular, can be one of the most sensitive groups of all the signs of the zodiac, and one of their spiritual missions here is to find a way to balance their strong emotions. It is easy for Cancerians to fall into moodiness, and oftentimes they form a sort of shell to protect themselves from getting hurt. This is one reason why it’s so appropriate that the animal that represents Cancer is the crab. 

Incidentally, have you ever seen a crab walk? A crab can only walk sideways. One of the goals for all of us this month (whether we are Cancerians or not) is to do the exact opposite—to not walk sideways, to not beat around the bush, to not manipulate. We need to have the certainty that if we go forward and put our heart into something, that energy will come right back to us. 

Another two goals for this month are to become aware of the blessings we have in our lives and to be careful not to fall into moodiness. 

For many people, there is nothing more important than being happy. In fact, it is said that it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown. But happiness is not something that just “happens.” Happiness can only happen if we choose that this is the way we want to see life. The glass has to be half full. If we see the glass as constantly half empty, then that kind of negativity is what we will create in the cosmos for ourselves.

We create our own consciousness through our awareness. This means that if we wake up in the morning and we say, “Thank you, God: I can see, I can hear, I can walk, I can talk,” we’re going to have a different day than if we wake up and think of everything that is wrong with our life. We have to be aware that even the breath we breathe is a gift from the Creator. Even the fact that we can do what we do is a gift. 

This month, because of Cancer’s inherent energy, we need that kind of awareness even more. There will be people that will come to annoy us, and we will feel any underlying tension in our relationships. So the best advice I can give is that we tell ourselves to breathe deeply and then take a walk around the block. 

If we do that, then when we come back, we can face each situation from a different, more proactive place.

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