Thursday 27 June 2013

The Ego Versus Our Inner Being

The Ego Versus Our Inner Being

I wanted to see what the response of the community was before allowing the next article to be born…
I know how wonderful it is that we are all so connected together to this collective consciousness of healing.
Within this article I want to simplify as much as I can the Laws of Life and how manifestation works.
Our human experience and the battle between our emotions and logic can be incredibly confusing, and often cause a great deal of anxiety and pain.
Within this article I would like to remove this confusion for you and replace it with the clarity – to help you find the way out of this pain.
Last week’s information was about shifting out of the powerlessness of staying in our pain and fear to connecting to our inner powerfulness in order to create different results.
This article was the basis of understanding Who We Are on ‘the inside’ creates the direct result of how life will be ‘on the outside’.
Now after writing this article I have realised I can’t provide this information in just 2 articles. It is going to be 3!
This weeks’ article is a deeper look into Energy and the differentiation between our mind and our Inner Being.
The emptier and more in pain and fear we are at our inner, the more destructive, disappointing and painful our outer experience.
If we are vibrating with inner emptiness, pain and fear we are living life unconsciously and destructively rather than consciously and constructively – simply because life delivers the identical results of our inner – and continues to no matter how hard we fight back with the ‘doing’ in order to make things different.
This is not about blaming and judging ourself if this is our present reality. It is simply about observing that everything in the physical Universe is vibrational, which means it is all responding to energy, and our ‘energy’ is our emotional vibration.
If we don’t go to our painful inner vibration to help it heal, our mind gets more and more involved and significantly adds to the pain by trying to force the outside to behave differently in order to create some sort of inner relief.
You see, your cognitive mind (ego) does not look within – it focuses exclusively outwards.
In extreme cases the ego becomes so all-pervasive that a False Self becomes an entity all of its own. Then life becomes a pathological exercise of disconnection from reverence, love and connection to self, life and others – in order to frantically try to force outside results. (Hence the model of narcissism).
The fuller and more content and In-Love we can create our inner the more satisfying, loving and stable the results from the outer world. From this emotional vibration life’s outer results are called forth from a deep gratitude and solidness from within.
Ironically things don’t have to have certain outcomes for joy, love and authenticity to be present and felt. There is an ability to just ‘be’, and not have to frantically grab and force things to fix the agony of inner emptiness. ‘Ships come in over smooth waters’…
meaning there is the space within to ‘allow in’ the good stuff from life and it can be chosen responsibly without rushing – rather than poor choices being grabbed as ‘a quick fix.’
When we understand the most fundamental Law of Life –like attracts like – we know how futile it is to have our focus on the outside to try to fill our inner emptiness, and how we need to partner with ourselves to become this fullness instead.
The relief from the agony and anxiety of fear and emptiness is profound by doing so. Not only will we get the stuff we want FOR REAL – we also get to feel great even before it turns up!
Truly win / win all the way!


Inner contentment is vibrational. It is not just logical concepts, it is a beingness that we must establish deeply within ourself for it to be real.
This is a big challenge for people who have not yet done self-development. Self-development is not something we create through our mind alone – it is a process which we transfer into our beingness.
The simplest way to think of the mind as opposed to beingness is this:
The mind is egoic and focuses outwards. It obsesses about lack and ‘I don’t have’ and tries to focus on ways outside of self to fill the painful inner gaps. The mind (without engaging beingness) creates disappointing, painful and certainly not lasting results.
The mind says “Show me the goods and then I will feel better”..(Conditional powerless living)
It’s certainly not surprising that no matter what the mind does happen to create – enough will never be enough. The mind is NEVER appeased or content.
Your Inner Being knows its fullness and unlimited power. When you are living your life through your Inner Being you know you ‘already have’. You can feel it, know it and live it even before it turns up.
The Inner Being states “I feel whole, full and content RIGHT NOW and am eager for more – and then the goods show up”.
This is true Authentic Power which emanates from deep within WITHOUT having to change outer conditions.
The Inner Being is happy now – and has a true and abiding peace.
Think about this….there is nothing you have ever wanted in your life such as a particular outcome, material item, success, approval, or relationship other than to try to feel inwardly whole, healed and at peace.
Ironically many of these things you did happen to acquire to try to feel better were fleeting, disappointing or didn’t work out – and despite striving for them frenetically you still don’t feel whole, healed and at peace.
And you may not have appreciated them or enjoyed them when they did turn up. Maybe this was because you were so scared of losing them…
The term ‘sabotage’ comes to mind…
Maybe, just maybe you were trying to put your ‘horse in front of your cart’. You thought these things would bring you the inner state you desired – rather than realising you have the power to BE this inner state and then you will create these things for real as an extension of yourself.
Not because you NEED them to give you yourself – simply because they are an unfolding of MORE of yourself.
I hope you can feel the power in the difference.
The difference is vital – it is profound.
It changes everything…
You may be starting to realise – if you want to live your life from a position of Authentic Power and be authentically happy, it means turning your perceptions and beliefs about life around 180 degrees from ‘the ‘outside in’ to ‘the inside out’.

Do We Grow Or Not Grow?

Life responds to our vibrations accordingly…
Powerless living creates more powerlessness.
Authentic power creates authentic results.
If we are living our life through powerlessness not only are we not getting great results, we are also not growing or personally evolving.
The reason being the egoic cognitive mind does not seek within. It is outer focused and it blames its stresses, pain and fear on the outside world.
The most extreme example of this is narcissism. People suffering with narcissistic personality disorder take zero inner responsibility.
If we are committed to living a conscious and authentic inner truth, we observe life and our results knowing life provides vital feed-back as to the quality of our Inner Being’s vibration and we make adjustments accordingly.
We realise it is totally futile holding other people responsible for our negative belief systems (regardless of how they got there), because they are ours and no-one ‘on the outside’ can change them for us – only we can – IF we wish to have different results.

What Are Our Unhealed Parts?

At this point we can realise our real goal is to create the solidness, fullness and contentment on the inside as a match for any topic that we want to create real results with.
This obviously means losing the fear and pain that may be lurking inside us (or loudly jumping up and down and screaming).
Let’s call these painful, fearful parts – unhealed parts.
Unhealed parts are very different from healed (congruent) parts which emotionally feel great. These healthy parts harmonise with our Inner Being, with our Soul and with all the desires we wish to unfold in life.
As a stark contrast, think of your unhealed parts as faulty parts in a car which start whining or making weird noises and cause the car to start ‘playing up’.
This is exactly what your unhealed parts do – they create emotion pain (that is how they communicate to you – through sensation) and then your life goes – well – not so well.
What are these unhealed parts exactly?
Quite simply they are fearful and painful beliefs about yourself, life and people. These belief systems are the culprits holding you separated from the good you wish to experience.
In effect the only thing that is between you and what you really want to feel, experience, be and do in life is these inner faulty parts.
Isn’t that awesome to know – that you don’t have to trek all over the planet trying to sort out problems by trying to force things and people to be a different way in order for your life to change.
The ONLY things you need to fix is right under your nose within yourself! That’s SO much more convenient!

Egoic Resistance

Your ONLY enemy is within and this entity is your ego.
Just reading this article will be enough to stir your ego up – if it is at the fore of your life. Your ego is a pain body. It loves pain. That is what it feeds off, and it needs separation, drama, fear and pain to survive.
Your wonderful happy life means dissolving your ego and the more and more you work on living through your Inner Being, and releasing your pain and fear the more successful you will be with this quest of slaying your inner dragon…
Until then your ego may dig its heels in and want to hang on for grim life.
This is a narrative your ego may be piping up with…
“Of course I have those negative beliefs. That is what happened to me! What do you expect me to do about it? None of that was my fault!”
The Inner Being has a different way of looking at this.
“Some part of me originally held a belief which called forth this painful event. I have the power to uncreate that original belief and can now create something more pleasing”.
The Inner Being connection immediately creates an incredible shift from powerlessness onto powerfulness.
Let’s investigate…
The egoic mind has to wait for life to do something different to stop the pain and the fear, and stays in fear and pain until that happens – which as per Law of Attraction simply doesn’t.
This is the model of victimhood.
Or, if the False Self takes over and becomes pathological – the egoic mind pits itself fearfully and aggressively against life in order to mine and take what it ‘needed’ to try to feel better by force. As per Law of Attraction the better feelings never genuinely come or last.
This is the model of narcissism.
If you wish to try to create your life through your mind instead of your Inner Being, the options aren’t great. Stay in fear and pain without creating better results, or stay in fear and pain and sell your soul, destroying your inner spirit in this futile attempt to escape the pain.
…if operating from your Inner Being know you have the power immediately to start changing your Inner belief systems which will 100% piece-by-piece start unfolding matching outer results.
This Law of Life cannot not respond – and must do.
Like attracts like.
So now truly – this all gets very exciting, as well as power-ful.

Aligning With Our Inner Being

By taking matters to our Inner Being not only are we going to change our life beyond description – we can ALSO directly address the fear and pain and start to feel stronger, fuller, more confident and even joyous.
And none of this needs to be conditional. It does not HAVE to rely on ‘things’ having to be a certain way.
Can you begin to imagine the joy of feeling wonderful now – even before ‘stuff’ turns up? Can you sense how feeling wonderful
NOW is going to increase and create ‘stuff’ even quicker?
Can you sense what all of this is going to feel like and ‘be’ when you get your ego out of the way and start living through your Inner Being?
In next week’s article I am going to explain how you can work out what your Inner Being is up to and how to align with it directly….
I’d love you to share your comments, and your feelings about ego as opposed to Inner Being…

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