Saturday 15 June 2013


We all have ideas of what we think things should be like. 

Our dream job, our soul mate, our perfect home – but the truth is we don’t know. Experience tells us, just because it is our ideal doesn’t mean it will make us happy. How many times have we wanted something, only to receive it and remain unsatisfied? How many times have we made our dreams come true, and later discovered it wasn’t what we wanted after all? We find ourselves changing jobs, houses, spouses, cars, clothes, diets, and anything else we can in the search for having it all. 

Kabbalists believe that the Creator wants only to give us ultimate fulfillment. The tricky part is, those things that will bring us the most happiness don’t always look quite like we expect them to. The busier we are chasing after what we think will make us happy, the more we can miss out on what the Creator is trying to give us right this very minute. 

As important as it is to have goals and desires, it is also important to be open to life’s many opportunities. 

There is an energy this week that will support us in thinking outside of the box, and remind us that there is always a bigger picture we cannot see. If someone you never socialize with asks to take you to lunch, take them up on the offer. If your friends want to see a movie that doesn’t really interest you, go anyway. 

If you want to experience all of the joy that the universe has for you, it is essential to remain open to receiving it. 

When we follow new directions, we can arrive at better destinations. 

72 Name of the Week
Yud Nun Aleph

I will see more deeply into my life, into my consciousness, and fully understand the seeds I am planting. I notice the correlations between cause and effect in my own life, and I understand where I am going. 

I will spread love and Light, knowing that they are what await me tomorrow. I will focus on the big picture, the plans of the divine Creator, and connect to that Light source. 

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