Tuesday 16 April 2013


Allow For Happiness
Have you ever noticed how happiness is often fleeting? No matter how elated you become, eventually your mind finds things to worry about. Sometimes we even create problems where there really are none.

One of the most self-destructive tendencies we have as humans is not allowing ourselves to be happy. This is because there is another voice in our head, the adversarial force that rushes in the moment we achieve any sense of true joy, and whispers in our thoughts all the reasons why we need to be afraid, upset, or stressed.

Our job is to consciously choose a sense of inner peace over that voice of negativity.

A life of happiness lies in your own hands, and more importantly in your own mind. It’s just waiting for you to choose it.
The Zohar, the source of kabbalistic wisdom (for more info see: Zohar.com) reveals that each person’s soul is a spark of the soul of Adam, though not the traditional interpretation of Adam. The Zohar explains that Adam was a beautiful expansive being of Light and matter, and that each and every one of us was once part of that great whole. Those of us who are good with our hands originated from the sparks that were the hands of Adam and those of us who are dancers or marathon runners are from the feet of Adam. Those of us who are intellects? The mind of Adam. …You get the picture. 

When we know this, it becomes clear that there are thousands of people we have never met, and probably never will, who are connected to us on a soul level. We affect these people, and they affect us on a daily basis. For instance, if I lose my temper, it directly affects every person whose soul is connected to my own. 

This great revelation from the Zohar teaches us several secrets about life. 

First of all, it’s helpful to know that when we’re suddenly more irritable than usual that those thoughts and feelings might not in fact be our own, and it’s our choice to give into them or make a more proactive choice. The second great secret is that in choosing to battle that negativity, we automatically lift up the whole of humanity. 

There are no small decisions. It’s been proven by scientists, philosopher, physicians, and scholars that everything we do, no matter how big or small, has a ripple effect throughout the entire universe. 

We are so much more powerful than we could possibly begin to fathom. 

When we accept this principle of our inter-connectedness, we can understand why it’s our responsibility to always work toward becoming the best version of ourselves.

72 Name of the Week

Hey Yud Mem

I will strive to be less reactive to accept the beliefs and ways of others, and to look upon them with compassion and understanding. As I foster unity in my own relationships and life, I let go of old, tired beliefs, frustrations that are weighing me down and blocking my soul from total fulfillment. I will look at all sides of situations with understanding and an open heart and mind.

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