Thursday 11 April 2013

Taurus: Overcoming Heartache and Pain

The Ultimate Unending Championship

Have you ever noticed that no matter how much we battle our negativity, there is always more to work on? And that once we overcome a challenge, there’s another one waiting just around the corner? 

In order for us to reach our full potential, there is always going to be something for us to rise above. 

It is the natural order of this world that we will be pushed to grow. The game is constant. We can feel frustrated and victimized by it, or we can see it as the ultimate unending championship, and get excited about winning game after game.


Welcome to the month of Taurus. This month, in particular, can be a healing and balancing month for all of us if we are willing to open ourselves to learn and apply what we learn in our lives. So what can we expect? Well, let’s start with a little bit about the sign itself. 

Usually, the first adjective that comes to mind to describe the Taurean is stubbornness. But in that stubbornness, there is also loyalty, friendship, and compassion. In fact, many times there is nothing more important to a Taurean than to remain loyal to a friend.

Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, Taureans enjoy nice homes and beautiful surroundings. They are also very good with banking and investments—that is, if they can manage to continually move themselves forward and not get stuck.

I mention this point because Taureans are also known to be resistant to change, not because they fear the future but more because they find life so comfortable where they are at. It’s similar to the feeling you get when you cuddle up in a place that’s comfy and secure, and you say to yourself with a contented sigh, “Why move?” But then after some time, you ask, “How can I ever get myself out of here?” 

Nevertheless, Taurus is a sign that knows what it wants and it insists on getting there. Therefore, this month will bring all of us the opportunity to have the fortitude to stay on top of the things we believe in and to overcome those things that stop us from getting to our goals. After all, our goals are often what give us the strength and ability to grow. 

How many times do we come to a point in our lives when our ego gets a real shock or we are broken by some event, and we decide we just want to throw in the towel and give up on our spiritual path? Suddenly, the concepts we learn in spirituality don’t exist for us anymore. We kick over the whole “bucket of milk,” and it spills over into the ending of relationships, even the ending of marriages. 

We say to ourselves in disgust and despair, “To heck with it all! I don’t believe in this stuff anymore! It doesn’t work for me.” 

This month, we can truly overcome those things that cause us heartache and pain. Recently, one of our teachers in the Kabbalah Centre told me a story about a student from Mexico who had had an addiction to marijuana for 18 years and had suffered a lot because of it. 

Last year, this student came to visit the Centre in LA where she approached my husband, Rav Berg, to say hello. The Rav told her simply, ¨What are you doing with that box? You are not doing your spiritual work!¨

When the student returned to Mexico, the first thing she wanted to do was smoke, but she couldn’t get what the Rav had said to her out of her head. Unsure of how to move forward, she asked for a message in a dream or a vision to give her guidance. 

Immediately, a movie of her future life as an addict started to play in her mind. It was so powerful and vivid that she took all of her smoking materials and threw them into the dumpster outside her house. 

That was a year and half ago. She hasn’t smoked since. 

The key for this month is to give of ourselves when we don’t have the strength for it. When we come to the places that are the most challenging for us, let’s understand that these are also the places where we will uncover the most Light. 

Remember, if you are in a pool and push water away from you, the water comes back to you with the exact same force as you used to push it away. In other words, whatever you put out there is what you, in turn, will receive back.

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