Sunday 21 April 2013

Symbols of Versatility

Movie of the week : The Lake House

There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison!! (sublime)

It's kind of a long distance relationship.

She's more real to me than anything I've ever known.

I sometimes feel as if I'm invisible, as if no one can see me at all. I never felt that way when I lived at the Lake House.

Even though this is clearly impossible, it's amazing.

How's your sunset?
Kate: It's perfect.
Alex: I only wish you were here to share it with me.

It's not meant to be.
Alex: No, don't say that. Something must've happened.

I saw her. I kissed her. I love her.

Let me let you go.

Life is not a book, Alex. It can be over in a second.

Don't give up on me.

If she's not careful, she can spend her whole life waiting.

Oh, we have a comedian! What, did you eat clown for breakfast?


The word “regardless” can be a powerful spiritual mantra. 

Regardless of the fact that I want to be selfish, I will still think of someone else. 
Regardless of the fact that I see the bad, I will still focus on the good.
Regardless of the fact that I have nothing, I will still give. 

Regardless of anything, it is always our choice how we will act.


We can learn a lot from our duck friends as they are able dive deep but also have the ability to float gracefully.

If you are lucky enough to live in a part of the world that is also a home to ducks, you will no doubt be familiar with the image of their cute feathery bottoms sticking up in the air as their heads disappear under the surface of the water. Perhaps you’ve even taken a moment to wonder what they see in their underwater world, and if they will resurface with a fish or a water bug in their beaks. As we observe them, we see that ducks are denizens of three worlds—the world of air, the world of water, and the world of earth. As such, they have adapted themselves to be able to swim, fly, and walk, and they seek and find nourishment in more than one place. They are symbols of versatility and can inspire us to explore our own ability to adapt and find nourishment in a variety of places. 

Ducks are able to float, swim, and dive into the water, fishing for food. They can walk on the ground, eating vegetation and bugs, and they fly in the air to travel long distances relatively quickly. Equipped with feet that are equally good at paddling and walking, as well as wings to fly, ducks seem comfortable in just about any natural environment. Next time you see a duck bottom, you might be inspired to examine your own ability to both float on the surface and to dive beneath it. In many traditions, water symbolizes the emotions—to duck our heads into our emotions means we are able to surrender our minds to our hearts, to go into the watery realm of feeling and see what there is to see, often coming to the surface with nourishment and treasure. 

At the same time, we share the duck’s ability to get solid ground under our feet by connecting to the earth on which we live simply by walking on it. And finally, when we reside in our spirits, we fly above the mental, emotional, and material realms, free of all the ties that bind us to this earth, traveling faster and farther than we ever thought possible.
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