Monday 9 July 2012


This messsage is exactly what I need right now....sublime!


According to the kabbalistic calendar, this week holds a unique energy that can bring healing Light to any darkness in our lives. Be it in health, work, relationships or any other area we may feel stuck the universe supports us now in finding the path that will bring Light to that darkness.

The sages teach that the places we feel lack are merely indications we are not on the right path.

We have so many decisions to make every day. Do I change jobs? Do I stay in this relationship? This city?

How do we know the right path from the wrong?

When we are making decisions based on ourselves "what we want or how things will affect us" we are likely on the road to chaos. When we are looking for the choices that will most benefit others, we are acting in similarity to the Light, and putting ourselves back on the path to fulfillment.

When our focus becomes how we can help others, everything realigns itself our businesses, our friendships, even our bodies!

Just for this week, let's choose the path of making decisions based on how they'll help others and see what happens.

There's nothing in our lives the Light can't fix. As my mom Karen Berg always says, "When you get busy taking care of others, the Light gets busy taking care of you."

All the best,

72 Name of the Week

Shin Hei Mem


With each breath, I am filled with the Light and restorative power of the Creator.

I focus the Light like a radar beam on any areas where I feel darkness in my life, and I see the chaos being pushed away with positive energy.

As the healing Light fills me, I will now seek ways to bring this Light to others in my life.

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