Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Dawn of The Second Coming!

REFLECTION FOR TODAY: My fears came from lack of self-confidence, which usually meant lack of confidence in God. I used up so much energy worrying about what might happen that I had no energy left to handle the situation when, or if, it arose. Someone suggested that I ask myself, "What is the worst thing that could happen?" and to imagine myself walking through that scene. Instead of asking, "what if....," act "as if" I had the confidence to handle the situation. Feeling and acting more confident was often enough to carry me through.

May I remember that my self-confidence comes from confidence in You.

Nothing can happen today that God and I cannot handle together.


The sincerity of any prayer is the assurance of its being heard; the spiritual wisdom and universe consistency of any petition is the determiner of the time, manner, and degree of the answer.


So today is the big day; "D Day". The moment I prayed for since August last year, will finally come to fruition.  As I write the Force is overwhelming so this can only be a good sign. She is in transit and in 1 hour will be on the last leg of this journey.  Knowing her, she is probably getting some serious retail therapy in duty free or digging into some comfort food to feed the MT! 

Right now I have mixed emotions, which I suppose would be normal. It feels like I know her intimately and at the same time she is a stranger.  Or put another way our souls are mates but our egos are strangers.  It will be a battle of the two. We all know who should win but only time will time.

Are we open to everything and attached to nothing? Or are we attached to this life, this belief system that has entrenched itself and given us our identity and separateness and hence closed to all? Or will we achieve the oneness we have been craving.

Neytiri always asked me what it is I want and I always told her: "To find my authentic self with her as One!".  She would also reply the same. But does she believe it, do I believe it?

This next fortnight will be the true and final test of our love and our love will decide the final outcome.


Be kind and count your blessings!


Before I make amends, I check with my Higher Power in prayer. If I have confusion or doubt - which is most of the time - I check with my sponsor, who shares experience, strength and hope. It's humbling to acknowledge that I'm not perfect, that I have erred. It takes me out of my self-centeredness to recognise that my actions may have hurt another.

Making amends isn't about the outcome or how the other person reacts. It's about changing my behaviour. change is tough but it's necessary to my recovery.


I forgive myself for hurting others. I forgive others for hurting me. Forgiveness does not mean that I sanction the abuse or pain. it just means that I give the situation over to my Higher Power, so that I may be free from the resentments, anger and pain that keep me from fully experiencing my present. I may or may not choose to tell someone that I have forgiven them or do anything about it. If I am holding on to guilt because of something I did, I make appropriate amends. I no longer feel shame for who I am. I am whole. I am lovable.


Cancelled Appointments

When we make a vow, we create a spiritual vessel, and energy automatically comes to fill that vessel. We experience that light as the good feeling we get when we make a promise.

Therein lies the problem. We get the light for simply having the intention. But when we don’t follow through on our commitments, we still get the light, only there is no vessel to contain it. Now that energy falls into a black hole. That’s when things start going wrong.

The solution is simple. Keep your word. Or don’t give it.

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