Monday 6 May 2013

Manifesting Allies

Manifesting Ally #1: “Create the Space”
For a dream to ‘land’ in your reality you need to create the space to receive it. What needs to be done on a practical, emotional and mental level for you to align to and allow in a particular dream?
Is your energy in alignment with the outcomes you seek?
 (“The means to getting there are the qualities of being there.” ~ Lazaris).
What YOU would you need to be to live the life your heart desires? How loving to self and others would that you be? What new thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs? What resources, skills, connections?
One way to get prepared is by connecting to that you (and a heart’s dream) NOW through your heart and mind – thinking, feeling and acting from that perspective, allowing yourself to be transformed by the energy and light of that future you and bright reality (“Future Causation”), and of course taking the necessary steps towards that dream goal.
(Both energy alignment and future causation are implemented in the Mystical Manifesting meditation).
Another way to create space in your life for your dreams to land is to clear out the clutter. This can be done on physical and practical levels (doing your books, clearing out your cupboards, throwing out or giving away old belongings, unnecessary items, filing, etc.), but most importantly can be done on emotional and mental levels.
What belief, fear, judgment, resentment, past hurt, anger, loss or guilt are you holding on to that is constricting your energy, keeping you in the past, or standing in the way of greater happiness and success in your life?
Holding on, both to positive and negative things, people, experiences or expectations, etc., can block new things from showing up in your life. A clenched hand is not open to receive, and also fosters a sense of scarcity.
Have a release ritual. Write down what you want to let go of – beliefs, patterns, hurts, stories, agendas, etc., and burn the paper.
As you let go of what you’re not, you unveil more of what you are.
Nature abhors a vacuum. When you let go you create the space for the new to arrive, something more serving and your dreams aligned to your heart to land in your reality.
Manifesting Ally #2: “Know You Deserve”
In my experience one of the greatest allies for manifesting is to know you deserve – period. You deserve totally and utterly simply by being alive. There’s a lot that can get in the way of feeling you deserve (deserve love, happiness, success, money, etc.).
It’s rarely addressed in manifesting approaches, yet I’ve personally found the more I love and value myself and own my worth and deserving, the more I allow myself to receive of ANYTHING. If you have blocks around deserving, you’ll also block receiving, which is an integral part of manifesting.
Your worth needs owning, not proving.
Self-love and self-forgiveness help with uncovering more of your worth. The “Self-Love Makeover” is very healing for that, available at:
You can never lack self-worth – your worth is innate. It is a given, but you may lack owning your worth, and negative self-concepts, beliefs and conditioning can get in the way of that.
You deserve whether you believe it or not, so you may as well believe it! And if you don’t believe it, it simply means you do not yet know the truth of who you are and your inherent value and worth.
Feeling undeserving can also sabotage success or a positive manifestation when you do create it. Your sense of deserving can be tampered by guilt, shame, negative self-concepts, self-judgment, and a lack of self-forgiveness.
Your worth lies not in what you do, or in who you know, but in who you are, and who you are is AMAZING! All your heart desires is yours to receive. Know you deserve.
Manifesting Ally #3: “Decode Your Reality”
Your reality is always communicating to you and is rich in meaning and metaphor. Life is always sending you messages. Decoding the messages present in your outer world opens up a whole new dimension of living and a powerful platform for insight and guidance.
When you begin manifesting, opportunities and ‘nudges’ will come to assist in taking you to your goals. Being open to these is part of the co-creative process.
These pointers and messages show up in your outer world, particularly in what happens synchronistically, in a repeated way, what grabs your attention without consciously knowing why, and resonates within.
Your outer reality is not the solid, separate, random occurrence that it may appear to be. It is wholly interrelated with your consciousness. You and your world are inextricably linked.
This awareness alone makes life incredibly magical and far more meaningful. Decoding your reality is a powerful manifesting ally and can open doors to new bright futures, people, paths, opportunities and successes, deeper understandings, greater awareness of self/others and soul-level insights. It’s something I’m particularly passionate about as has led me to dreams beyond those I had consciously held and ones far more serving to my soul’s path.
What appears ‘out there’ in your reality is over-brimming with insights and information about you!
There are two primary ways in your outer reality conveys information:
1. Your reality is essentially a reflection and extension of the entirety of your consciousness. It is a product of what you create or allow consciously or unconsciously under the umbrella of your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, desires, choices, imagination, and so on. As quantum science now proves, everything is energy. That energy is consciousness in formation.
2. Your reality is also a platform and gateway through which you can receive information from your Higher Self, ‘unseen friends’/spiritual guides and the Universe via the signs, signals and ‘whispers’ in your day-to-day life that serve as pointers and nudges to guide you on your path.
The more you recognize that you are ever connected to an all-loving infinitely abundant Source, the more you will allow in the gifts, blessings and synchronicities that are wanting to be given, and those being presented to you on a regular basis via your outer world (and inner world, of course, if you open to access that through meditation and intuition techniques).
Life becomes a new shiny adventure and a fun journey of investigation and discovery as you unravel the meanings inherent in your everyday life.
I love listening to the whispers of my world and decoding the messages entwined in the experiences, people and circumstances I attract. Opening my eyes to the metaphoric nature of my reality and the gifts, guidance and insights therein has given me invaluable navigational tool on my journey though life, a healing one also, and a very active one when it comes to manifesting.
Synchronicities are one way messages can come more distinctly, often those most relevant and serving at a given time. ‘Synchronicities are like the universe gently stroking your face with the hand of grace’.
Everything is a potential communication from conscious, unconscious or higher conscious realms. This information can include valuable guidance about next steps to take in your life.
Awakening to and decoding the messages in your world can be a great way to more fully engage co-creation and step onto a divinely led path, as well as deepen your intimacy with your Self (and inner landscape of beliefs, thoughts, feelings, patterns, etc.), Higher Self and the Universe.
Manifesting Ally #4: “The Happy Factor”
Make Happiness a priority!
The bottom line is, the better you feel about yourself, life and others, the more effortlessly you allow and attract positive experiences into your life. Love, happiness and joy are most often what you are seeking through the many goals you hold. They are also major manifestation juices of themselves and will always attract bright outcomes, and make the journey TO any destination worthwhile. If you don’t enjoy the journey, chances are you won’t enjoy the destination; start having fun now!
Fulfilling your heart’s wishes and reaching desired outcomes is all wonderful, yet it is the JOURNEY that constitutes your life! Having fun is one of the major reasons you’re here, if you allow it, and your happiness is one of the greatest gifts you can give the world. The happier you are, the more you will brighten all around you through your presence alone.
Happiness is a true measure of success. The more you allow yourself to experience the happiness that you ARE and the playful adventure of life, the more you will be living the life of your dreams right now, and the more you will attract positive realities in that sing to your true self.
What brings you joy? 

How can you experience more of that in all areas of your life?

What activities, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, actions and decisions?

How can you introduce more of those into your life right now?

Manifesting Ally #5: Engaging Co-Creation
Awakening to the awareness that you create your reality – with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, choices, desire, imagination, etc. is liberating and wonder-full! Beyond conscious creation there is CO-creation with the universe – more effortless, love-filled, magical and rewarding, where you receive more of the divine love, guidance, support and blessings available to you for optimum outcomes.
CO-creation also opens you to receive more of the higher dreams aligned to your soul’s purpose and realities more serving of you in the bigger picture of your life’s journey, perhaps dreams beyond those you currently hold or imagine, or even challenges you may otherwise resist that carry with them gifts.
This is the essence of Mystical Manifesting which you get to engage in the meditation at the below link, which also includes ‘Seeding Miracles’ – a specific process for receiving the dreams your Higher Self has for you.
You are never alone on your journey. You are loved guided and supported every step of the way, whether you realize that or not, and you can open to receive more of that love and guidance.
There is a ‘bigger picture’ beyond the view-points of your personality self and limited view-points that you may not always be aware of; higher perspectives that know optimum choices and pathways for your life that most reflect your gifts, essence and potential.
Your Higher Self, the spiritual being that you REALLY are, and the unconditionally boundlessly loving infinite intelligent Source of creation, knows what will most serve you more than you do, and is aware of the countless possibilities available for your growth and success in every moment.
You both consciously and unconsciously create the world around you, yet you are not alone in the process. You are a co-creator with the source of life, whatever name you hold for that, that ever conspires in your favour if you allow it. The universe is ALWAYS on your side.
You likely have goals, yet there may be higher dreams beyond the confines of your conscious perspectives possibly more aligned with your heart and soul and reasons for being here. Co-creation creates a gateway for those to manifest and accelerates the ease and grace with which they do.
Manifesting Ally #6: The Power of Belief
To successfully attract your desires it is important that your beliefs support them.
The thing with beliefs is that it’s so often a case of ‘what you don’t know you don’t know’!
Your beliefs are not the truth, just an accepted perception of such. Yet these inner, largely unconscious ‘agreements’, are shaping and dictating your life in every moment.
If, for example, you want a happy loving relationship but hold negative beliefs about love (“Love hurts”), the gender you want a relationship with (“Men are cold and uncaring”, “Women are untrustworthy”), or yourself, (“I’m not good enough”), you might experience a very different outcome to your conscious wishes.
Beliefs are formed during your early years in childhood and at other key times in your life. They can be shaped and influenced by family, peers, society and media, and a great many you are not even aware of. The beliefs in your subconscious mind show up in the experiences and situations you attract.
Trying to manifest your desires with incongruent beliefs is like trying to grow a rose bush from an olive pip. Until you change the ‘seed’ you’ll keep getting olives, no matter how many roses you visualize, dream about or set goals for.
If there are dreams you’ve yet to reach, or desires you find yourself struggling to achieve, look at the seeds (i.e. beliefs) that lie at their root. Nothing changes until you do! What’s great about beliefs is that you can change them and choose those that suit you and support your visions and dreams. Nothing changes until you do!
Your beliefs are more powerful than thoughts. They are also wellsprings and determinants of your thoughts. When you clear limiting beliefs and hold ones aligned to your heart’s desires, you no longer need to try to think and feel in a certain way or consciously engage the law of attraction in your life, because you will be unconsciously primed to do so. Change your beliefs and you change your world!
As your vibration rises denser beliefs can fall away like shedding skin as they cannot exist in the new energy you hold.
There is some wonderful clearing that takes place using ‘energy magnets’ in the “Mystical Manifesting” meditation at:
The Mystical Manifesting meditation engages energy, intention, love and light, divine assistance, future causation, and co-creation, an etheric template of dreams, miracle seeds and more to manifest your highest dreams.

Love and joy,
Aine Belton

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