Sunday 10 February 2013

Got resistance? Why you DON’T want the ‘good stuff

By resistance here I’m not referring to resisting the ‘negative’ in your life, but resisting the POSITIVE and what may actually serve you – resisting love, success, peace, happiness, healing, abundance, for example.

Why would you or anyone ever do that?

The reasons aren’t always obvious and they can be multi-layered and complex.

Let’s take success as an example.

There can be an even greater fear of success than failure, particularly if success is less familiar, though this is rarely acknowledged. These fears can include the fear of responsibility, of change, of other people’s jealousy, of visibility, of power, of losing success after gaining it (beliefs like ‘anything that goes up has to come down’), etc.

Out of love and loyalty to a parent you may resist succeeding so as not to outshine them if they did not succeed themselves, continuing family patterns of failure out of a subconscious loyalty. Conversely you may avoid success out of a subconscious desire to punish a parent (“If you had loved me more/been there for me, then I’d be a success/then I’d be happy”, etc.). This dynamic may not be conscious, but can exist under failure patterns nonetheless.

Let’s take love as another example.

Many resistances to love stem from myths and faulty beliefs about love, and feared pain and associated consequences around love; the fear of hurt, rejection, betrayal, abandonment, commitment, being seen, neediness/dependency, humiliation, jealousy, loss, etc.

You may feel you don’t deserve love, or fear the intimacy, vulnerability or visibility that comes with love. You may believe “love hurts” rather than “love heals” and so avoid it, and so on. 

Resistances can come from scared parts of you, hidden and wounded aspects of self, parts of you that are attempting to stay safe and avoid pain.

Then there’s the ego that will resist anything that threatens its attempts to be ring leader of your life. Love, joy, happiness and success are not conducive to the negative ego, which thrives on fear, separation and sufferance, on control, blame, judgement (of self or others),  victimhood, ‘better than’ or ‘less than’, etc.

The ego cannot co-exist in the resonance of love. When in a state of love ego traps simply fall away, so the ego clearly has resistances to your mergence with it.

How do you know if you’re resisting something?

The fact that something is not in your life can reflect that resistance. Of course, another reason something may not be in your life is because you don’t have conducive beliefs, desire, imagination, self-worth or positive expectation to support its manifestation, or it may not currently serve you from a higher perspective at that time.

Tell tale signs of resistance can include procrastination, making excuses, never getting round to take action despite conscious intentions, ambivalence, things ‘going wrong’ in that area (reflecting subconscious sabotage), distractions, drama and detours that take you away from what it is you’re resisting.

There are also rhythms and patterns in life, however, somewhat like seasons. There can be times of solitude, of shedding skins, of healing, of dreaming and planning, or of moving forth and being active and involved, or reflecting in pause, and so on.

There are times when it may be best to seed, sow, grow or reap depending, and every soul’s path has cadences on its journey.

Rather like the moon that waxes and wanes, and the planets and stars that constellate through the galaxy, there is a bigger picture, a turning of a grander wheel and soul-level perspectives that impact occurrences in your life regarding when things may be most optimum.

Sometimes you may be honouring this divine timing, rather than in resistance. Your intuition may be responding to this sense of your life’s current rhythms, ebbs and flows, whether you are consciously aware of that or not.

I purchased the Global Love Project domain name over 6 years before I went live with it, for example. Was that resistance? I don’t think so. I launched it when it felt like the right time to do so.

I had big resistance to the Global Love Festival I launched last year as it was entirely new. I went ahead regardless because I deeply trusted my guidance, which began in night-time dreams about organising a festival, despite not knowing if or how I could manifest that.

Faith, choice, commitment, acting in spite of fear, trust and the WHY you are doing something – its positive intentions, the bigger picture and your heart’s desires, can all help you move through resistance. Being willing, affirming the choice and following it through with action, giving yourself and life permission for it to occur, asking for grace and assistance, and opening the door to it in your heart, in spite of any fears or resistances (known or otherwise) will allow things to be called in for your benefit.

Simply being conscious of your resistances helps to dissipate them, like a light shining on the dark, and gives you greater power and awareness to affirm choice and move through resistance towards your heart’s desires.

Love and blessings,
Aine Belton

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