Tuesday 5 February 2013


Relationships matter. 

From partnerships such as marriage to interactions with co-workers, our relationships matter to us a lot more than we realize. Think about it. Whether it’s our best friend, our mother-in-law, our grandma, or our mailman, relationships go a long way in determining our happiness on any given day. When our interactions are pleasant and peaceful, we are happy, but if there’s a conflict or we are upset with someone it can be like a dark cloud that hangs over us. 

The kabbalistic path is not one of ups and downs, where one day we feel sky high and the next we are down in the dumps. Kabbalah says no to the ups and downs in exchange for a life of constant evolution. This means if our relationships are good today, there is a way to make them even better tomorrow. 

The key to building stronger bonds with those around us is to always be growing. By becoming involved in a path of personal transformation, we become less reactive with our family, we become more tolerant of our co-workers, and we engage in an ever growing compassion for our loved ones and eventually the human race. 

You see, we actually have a responsibility to the people in our lives to develop our soul, because that’s how we can elevate our relationships to entirely new levels. 

This is, in fact, how we become the best friend, the best parent, the best co-worker, the best everything that we can be. 

Our relationships in life can only be as good as we are. 

72 Name of the Week

Yud Yud Zayin

I silence my ego and restrict. I will not defame others, gossip or say hurtful things. Instead of bringing myself and others down, my words will elevate my soul and the soul of all those in my life.

I am quiet as I connect to the Light and allow the divine to be my guide and speak through me. I am a channel to give love, hope and positive energy to others.

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