Sunday 24 August 2014

7 Steps To Personal Power

When we have been abused by a narcissistic / sociopath we absolutely know what it is like to feel stripped bare and powerless.

Really, it would be fair to say, having experienced this level of abuse takes us into the darkest deepest depths of powerlessness.

Recovery, at first, is about healing and breaking free from the feelings of extreme anxiety and depression – which are in effect symptoms of extreme powerlessness.

Additionally, there are also often feelings of being trapped and having no way out. At first this is the feeling within the relationship, and then these feelings commonly continue even after the relationship has ended.

During our times of extreme powerlessness, we often aren’t confronted with digging deep enough to really understand the beliefs that have made us ‘small’ and tending towards powerlessness.

Like many people, I used to struggle with the words ‘Personal Power’. Firstly, being a woman didn’t help. The concept of ‘personal power’ seemed somehow wrong. It felt too masculine, and certainly not feminine or submissive enough.

Like many of us (men as well as women), I had been more used to giving my power away to try to keep the peace and be safe – and of course to try to source love. This was extremely unsuccessful.

I know for many of us, all sorts of feelings and belief systems can make us cringe away from claiming and being in our own True Power.

Yet, being radiant, alive, healthy and in love with Life, self and others – the claiming and being in our personal power – is the TOTAL goal.

Let’s investigate the beliefs that have limited us for from claiming our True Power, and why they have been so damaging.

The 7 Common Beliefs That Keep Us Powerless

These following beliefs are ones which have commonly been passed on by societal programming, and generational family modelling.

#1 Who Do You Think You Are?

When we think of ‘personal power’, we may believe it is egotistical, arrogant or even selfish to have the right to walk our own path of truth, or to have preferences about our own life.

Naturally, believing it is not okay to stand up and be in our own personal power means that we are susceptible to other people’s preferences and choices – even if they are not in alignment with our own values and truth.

If we don’t believe it is healthy to be in our own personal power, we can easily be made to feel guilty, and be manipulated and mined by others.

#2 People In Their Personal Power Are Targeted By Others

There is a common belief of: “If I shine then people will target me to take my light, or rip me down.” This painful, fearful belief causes us to defend and shut down. It stops us showing up in life.  

Generally, this means we are not only fearful of showing up, but we are scared of speaking up and laying healthy boundaries when needed.

The danger with this faulty belief is when we are shrinking, hiding and defending we tend to attract everything that we are trying to guard ourselves against. Which of course simply confirms our beliefs that we need to hide away to avoid being exploited and targeted.

#3 My Ego Won’t Accept Self-worth

This belief is a blight on humankind. At surface level it may seem that people with large egos love themselves excessively and have too much self-worth. The very opposite is true. Egos are the malfunction of low self-worth and maladaptive compensating through the construction and feeding of a False Self.

Humankind for centuries have been programmed to believe they are unworthy, defective and emotionally and morally inept, which has caused us to think we are never enough and our worth is ‘what we have’ or ‘how others approve of us’ instead of ‘who we are’.  

Our personalities do not want to believe we are worthy simply because we exist. This causes us to try to seek personal power from outside of ourselves, rather than being the generator of it from within.

#4 Life Is Never Going To Work Out For Me

It is common for people struggling with emotional survival to feel like they are treading water and getting nowhere. When we are stuck in trying to survive our emotional wounds, the pain feels like a continual cycle of more of the same.

It isn’t until we can free ourselves of our emotional wounding, and until we have released the continual torment of our minds, that we can open up our hearts and dream of a new and better future. If we do not feel our deservedness, we can’t be in our personal power in order to create it. Manifestation comes from the expansive space and power of our heart, not our limited story- ridden mind.

#5 I’m Not Good Enough To Make My Life Happen

When we are not in our personal power we feel small, incapable and dependent. This limits us from expanding, learning, growing and expressing who we are. Rather than align with people and situations that will empower us, we tend to gravitate towards people and situations that we wish to gain power from, yet who disempower us further. Naturally, these extensions are reflecting back to us how we really feel about ourselves and our life.

It is essential to know that when we have claimed our personal power, we will attract situations and people who add to our expansion and life experience rather than detract from it.

#6 My Worth Relies On Self-Sacrifice

Much of our modelling has to do with learning to go without so that others can benefit, and believing it is righteous and we will be rewarded for doing so.

Many people know about the analogy regarding aeroplanes. There is a very good reason why we are instructed in the state of emergency to put our own oxygen mask on first before assisting others.

Martyrdom is the handing of power over, and often it is a covert way to control and try to secure approval, love and security. The deeper truth, which many martyrs find devastatingly disappointing is: people can only love, respect and treat us identically to how we have embodied these qualities within ourselves.

The irony is: the more ‘full’ we are of healthy self-worth and self-care, the more we have to genuinely give to others without agenda.

#7 My Worth Depends On More Doing Instead Of Being

Often we frenetically believe we need to ‘do more’ in order to feel worthy, and even survive. As we evolve we start to realise that no amount of ‘doingness’ can make up for a lack of ‘beingness’. If we haven’t been able to find our true personal power – which means moving out of emotional survival fears into inspired creation, we find that things just don’t work out. We only tend to create more powerlessness and fear no matter how frantically we strive to improve our lives.

When we make the transition into working on and claiming our personal power, by stark contrast, we start to attract the mechanics of life which support our improved self-worth. Then we are operating from an emotional resonance of inspiration and modelling Creation itself, because we have freed up our emotional energy that was previously tied up in the fear and pain of emotional survival.

Why We Need To Claim Our Personal Power

Many of us have had literal terror of claiming and stepping into our True Power. Our programmed beliefs are not only responsible for why we have handed our power over and been abused, but also why we have struggled to claim ourselves afterwards.

The truth is, if we are not in our power, we hand it over trying to gain it from outside of ourselves. This has caused us to match up with people who are also not in their personal power. Narcissists are not powerful – they are powerless and acting out as a pathological symptom of feeling so powerless.

The illusion is that the narcissist is powerful. Nothing could be further from the truth. When we are not in our own power, we believe that false power / fear is real, and we feed the illusion with our own fear and pain (powerlessness).

When we take back our power, and create it genuinely, the illusion no longer exists.

Our journey of personal growth is to shift ourselves out of fearful egoic mind survival into inspired heartfelt creation. That is the only way we will be free to be in our True Power.

When we are in our True Power, we co-promote and generate healthy life-force and love with life and others. We express our true beingness, and we pursue lifestyles and vocations that are the calling of our hearts.

We expand into and add to life, instead of trying to ‘get’, and as a result ourselves and life benefit in win-win ways.

When we are freed from the constructions of our ego, there is no longer the need to earn approval or security by being who we are not, and we no longer suffer damage and sell our souls out in order to try to survive.

The truth is, most individual’s personal catharsis into claiming and developing their personal power begins through an experience of intense powerlessness.

That is exactly the edge of personal development that narcissistic / sociopathic abuse brought to our attention. A place where we needed to question all of the beliefs that we had previously modelled our life on – the generational beliefs that caused us to be disconnected from our True Power.

How many of us were living reduced versions of ourselves even prior to being abused? How many of us believed that our security, inspirations and creations needed to be granted to us from ‘the outside’, rather than claiming our birthright to be internal generators and Creators in our own right?

How many of us thought that being ‘small’ meant we would be safe and would be looked after?

The Shifting Of Powerless Beliefs Into Personal Power

In order to change our emotions and behaviours we need to shift our internal beliefs.

By doing so, our new more empowered healthier state of being will simply be an expression of who we have now become.

To recap, the following are beliefs you may want to release all resistance on, in order to claim your True Power:

#1 Who Do You Think You Are?

True Power Goal: “I align with and claim my personal power. This is my divine right and is fully supported and adored by all of existence.”

#2 People In Their Personal Power Are Targeted By Others

True Power Goal: “By showing up as my glowing True Self, I speak up, I embody and expand love, integrity and truth and my bright light dissolves all darkness.”

#3 My Ego Won’t Accept Self-worth

True Power Goal: “It is the ultimate truth of love, humility and humanity to accept myself unconditionally as the divine part of God / Source / Life that I am.”

#4 Life Is Never Going To Work Out For Me

True Power Goal: “My heart is free and expanded. I have the space within to deliciously dream and generate unlimited joy and miracles.”

#5 I’m Not Good Enough To Make My Life Happen

True Power Goal: “As a divine expression of God / Source / Life I am enough. I am infinitely connected in unlimited ways to all of the expansion and resources of Life.”

#6 My Worth Relies On Self-Sacrifice 

True Power Goal: “I claim the divinity and full permission to fill myself up first. By doing so I have an abundance to grant Life and others healthily.”

#7 My Worth Depends On More Doing Instead Of Being

True Power Goal: “I connect to the power inside me. By making my changes within, I unfold myself into Life in spectacular and inspired ways.”

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