Thursday, 2 February 2012

The Turning Point

24th August 2010 (my birthday) was to be a major turning point in my life and our relationship.  Tsu’tey sent me a birthday greeting email and then went on to request that I contact Neytiri as she was bored and having difficulty settling in their new country.  I found this a very strange request considering our history and initially did not know what to do.
However, being the loyal friend, I did call her occasionally over the next few months.  I also called when Tsu’tey was around.  I remember calling once and she said Tsu’tey is not at home and she will not be good, stimulating company.  Strange response.  Anyway we ended up talking for more than an hour.
One thing I noticed, at the time, is that time passed so quickly when we were on a call together.  She would also make weird (at the time) comments like “I wish I could be there with you in the car, just driving” and “I just feel like having a coffee with you.”
Towards the end of the year, I was travelling out of town once a month so would normally give her a call then.  So the frequency of the calls probably increased from occasionally to monthly. Until the text messages started!
Something else happened in my life in December 2010.  I made a major discovery about my personal situation.  I purchased a book “Want to lose weight but hooked on food” by accident a few months earlier.  It was part of a deal so I had no intention to buy it, per se.  And because I had no intention to buy it, I had no intention to read it.
However, for some reason I was drawn to pick it up and read it (it is actually an easy read).  It was all about emotional eating and Chapter 2 captured my attention.  It was about CO-DEPENDENCY!  I had never heard of this but as I read the characteristics of co-dependent behaviour, I was astounded to discover that I could relate to most of them.  It was like the author was writing about me!  Wow, this was the answer I was searching for subconsciously.  I always knew deep down that I had issues but never knew there was a label for it and that help was available.  Wow, this was an “Aha” moment for me. Suppressed memories started surfacing about my past behaviours.
The author suggested various resources and tools to help with this condition including meditation CD’s and Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA).
I went on the CoDA website and ordered their welcome pack.  I noted there was a weekly meeting held in my home city, which I decided to attend.  I also ordered some of the meditation CD’s recommended.  I was keen to get started in resolving my condition and getting help, so was keen to get to a CoDA meeting.

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