Monday 21 January 2013

Aquarius-True Freedom

The month of Aquarius is known to be a month of Light, freedom, and the ability to connect with the “big picture.” Kabbalistically, we know that each of us is influenced by the energy of every month, even if we are not born in that month. This means that even if we are, for instance. a Cancer or a Gemini or a Pisces, we will still be influenced by the energy of the month of Aquarius: first, because this is the energy that is available to us right now, and second, because each of us has with in us a little of each of the 12 signs of the zodiac. 

Perhaps the most apparent quality of Aquarians is that they love freedom and hate to be constrained. Aquarians are the type of people who might say, “I am who I am, and if you don’t like it… tough!” At the same time, however, the Aquarian nature is to be philanthropic, to worry about the world, to be a part of humanitarian causes. The reason for this is that the Aquarian mind sees the big picture. On the other hand, family and interpersonal relationships can be problematic for Aquarians. Don’t get me wrong, Aquarians love the world and believe in the concepts of brotherly love and understanding; they just have difficulty in loving a single person because their mindset and scope are so broad and capable that they refuse to be restricted. 

So what does this information mean for us this month? How can we use this energy of freedom and the big picture to rise to our next level? Well, basically, the challenge this month will be to practice listening to and being present with those around us. This may seem counterintuitive to the vastness of Aquarian ideas, but in the long run, being attentive to others can be the key to helping us translate all of our brilliant thoughts into reality. The truth is that, yes, we can have big ideas and big dreams. But if we can’t communicate with those around us, if we can’t hear the messages that the universe is sending us all the time, then how do we expect to move forward to bring our dreams to reality? 

Now you may be saying: What do you mean? I have ears and I hear! But really, the truth is that most of us don’t really hear because we hear with our own egos. We hear the things that we want to hear, not necessarily what the other person is trying to tell us. We can think of it this way: Have any of us ever been in an argument where we were absolutely wrong? Of course not! That’s why there was an argument in the first place. 

So why is it that two people sometimes need an arbitrator to help them communicate? Is it because they don’t have ears? No, it’s because one person is right because his ego told him so, and the other person is also right because his ego also told him so. Ego is not necessarily always bad. It’s just the way we as humans automatically operate. 

Once as King David was walking, a man named Cosbi accosted and cursed him. All of David’s men rushed to kill the man. However, before they could reach Cosbi, King David stopped them and said, “If he is cursing me, then I deserve to be cursed.” In other words, instead of blaming the situation, David immediately asked himself what he could have done to bring the situation about. 

For us, this is a powerful lesson that when something happens in our lives and we feel we are being criticized, we should look for what we can learn from the situation instead of automatically assuming the other person is wrong or seeking ways to get even. We need to ask ourselves: What is it that the Light is teaching me through this person? What can I learn from this situation to make myself stronger from the inside out? 

When someone offends us or does something to us that is difficult to take or painful, we need to get to the point where we ask: Why did I deserve this? I know I deserved it, otherwise it wouldn’t have happened. Is it possible that this is happening to make me stronger, to make me listen more, to make me take more care? 

This month, the key to the freedom that the Aquarian desires is to grant human dignity to those around us, to listen to others, and to try to see the situation from the other person’s point of view. This month, we need to try not to hear what our ego decides to hear—namely, our own decisions and opinions—but to really put ourselves aside, and through this effort, to grow and to manifest more of our soul’s potential.

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