Friday 7 December 2012

The “Shift of the Ages” – 2012 and beyond!…

Much has been spoken about 2012 in spiritual paths and traditions as a year that births a New World and marks a raising of consciousness and transition referred to as the “Shift of the Ages”.

This shift is one towards greater unity, love, and awakening.
Celebrations and events have been occurring around the world throughout this year by many differing groups.
This December sees some significant occasions and culminations – namely 12/12/12 and 21/12/12. People are coming together in locations all around the world to honour these poignant dates.
The birth of the new also accompanies a breakdown of the old, as we are witnessing on many levels with the societal changes and turbulence that has been afoot for some time.
If energy, consciousness, cosmic alignments and the dawning of a Golden Age are all a bit woo-woo for you, feel free to ignore this piece. You may still want to view this year from a place of curiosity, however – a year that has been spoken of as far back as ancient Mayan civilizations.
2012 marks the end of the Mayan Calendar – the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of a new cycle.
These are exciting times – people are coming together in an unprecedented way to celebrate and set intentions for a New World – a world of greater unity, love, peace, and sustainability, and one that honours all beings, including mother earth.
Many say 12-12-12 is a gateway day from an energetic perspective, acting as a portal for higher frequencies to facilitate the shift in consciousness and anchoring in of the New World, particularly at sacred sites around the world which themselves act as doorways to higher realms.
This “Cosmic Moment” is one of Global Awakening and Unity.
December 21st is also a significant date, not just numerologically, and to me the most significant and one I am most drawn to. This is because it is also the Winter Solstice – and as with the summer Solstice a time when the ‘veils between worlds’ are thinner. It is a pivotal point at the end of a monumental year, closing the door on the old, and opening the door to the beginnings of a new era.
Whether you are or are not celebrating any of these dates, perhaps give yourself some time for reflection, meditation, a pause for allowing in and sending out love, and also to seed intentions and visions for a new and brighter world.
This can be an opportunity to uplift individual consciousness and collective consciousness and, if you desire, you can be a conscious part of these shifts, elevations and celebrations.
Much love,
Aine Belton

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