Tuesday 11 December 2012


We are now in the week of Chanukah, one of the most joyous occasions during which all of us regardless of religion, race or any other creed, have full access to the energy of miracles. Right now, we can manifest blessings like no other time during the year – with the only contingency being that we really put in the effort to do our spiritual work. 

So if all that is needed is the effort, it bears the question: How much is enough?

One of the secrets to downloading the energy of miracles is that it’s not so much about how much we’re doing, but where our consciousness is when we are doing it. 

Often our spiritual work is not all that unconditional. When it comes to sharing, we can have an agenda. We usually want something in return, even if it’s just a “thank you” or for someone to love us back. 

We should certainly strive to do more, but with the right consciousness. If we spend this miraculous time running around doing things for people with the thought of what we’re going to get out of it, what we’ll receive will be limited. 

What we should really seek in return is just to be closer to the Light. The Light never thinks about what it’s getting. It just gives infinitely. If we can have that kind of consciousness in just one sharing action, there will be nothing blocking the Light from coming into our lives. 

It’s a great paradox that the less we think of ourselves in our giving, the more we will ultimately receive.

If we can start giving back just for the sake of revealing Light, our connection to the energy of miracles will last not just for a week, but the entire year.

72 Name of the Week

Samech Yud Tet

I am changing my nature, letting go of my negative temptations, selfishness, envy, anger and pity. Goodbye.

My vessel expands as I embrace love and Light, creating more room for positive energy. An opening in my soul, more space, as I accept that change in possible. More Light and love as I feel the shift beginning to take hold.

I have created the space for a miracle.

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