recognize that what I pass on to my progeny on a person-to-person level
is my greatest gift to them. Anyone can give from the excess of their
possessions, but a gift of self to another person has more power to
sustain than money or things. I can pass pain, alienation and
misunderstanding down through the generations, or I can pass a
willingness to love and compromise. I can teach my children to live for
the beauty and mystery of life or to live for accolades and status. When
I share who I really am with my children and grandchildren, I am giving
them what no one else can - gifts they can draw strength from for a
lifetime. When I withhold from and short-change my children and
grandchildren, I am cheating them and their society because they are the
culture makers of tomorrow.
What I pass on matters.
is the most revolutionary idea there has ever been. Equality for women
demands a change in the human psyche more profound than anything Marx
dreamed of. It means valuing parenthood as much as we value banking.
Polly Toynbee
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