Strong At the Broken Places
I am willing to see more of me
will develop strength from facing challenge. I will become resilient by
solving problems and developing strategies for handling what is tough
in my life. I will find and hold onto faith knowing that sometimes faith
is all that I have. I will meet my life head on rather than run from
it. I need to remember that emotions can run high when I am growing and
changing inside, when I am challenging myself to stretch, but today I
will see this as an opportunity to stretch my ability to tolerate inner
turbulence without blowing up or cutting off. In a healing process, my
joys are higher and my longings are stronger. The world is more intense
than it usually is. When I forget this, I start to feel out of step if
I'm not where I think I should be, I compare my insides with everybody
else's outsides and use that to make myself wrong. I want to push away
my inner world and I get a little afraid of what I'm experiencing if it
doesn't fit my image of what I'm supposed to be feeling. Then I engage
in a cover up. When I do that, I am only half there and when all is said
and done, the only person I am covering up is me. Today I will let
myself have my full range of feelings, knowing that they may, at times,
be a bit of a roller coaster. But I know, that I will land comfortably
at the end of the ride, and each time I land, I will be stronger and
more resilient where I stretched.
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