On this day of your life,
Neytiri & Jake, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can only succeed, you
cannot fail.
Failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a
failure. Nothing. Everything moves the human story,
and hence the process of evolution, forward.
Everything advances you on your journey.
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
Failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a
failure. Nothing. Everything moves the human story,
and hence the process of evolution, forward.
Everything advances you on your journey.
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
God’s Purpose
in Creating Us
My purpose in
creating you, My spiritual offspring, was for Me to know Myself as God. I have
no way to do that save through you. Thus it can be said (and has been many
times) that My purpose for you is that you should know yourself as
This seems so
amazingly simple, yet it becomes very complex - because there is only one way
for you to know yourself as Me - and that is for you first to know yourself as
not Me.
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