The direction of the East is our beginning of knowing who the "self" is. The more healing we have done in the South, the easier it will be for us to release what does not serve us. The direction of the West deepens this knowledge through dreams and visions of the future and brings about deep personal transformation.
The quality embraced by the West is that of courage and transformation. Here we begin to understand cause and effect - our life patterns, what our lessons have been, and what we need to let go of to continue our learning.
The totem of the West is the Bear. Bear brings us strength and connection to Mother Earth, and represents the quality of introspection. Bear seeks truth. The power of the Bear is the power of knowing, the power that allows one to enter dreamtime and walk the path of questing for answers - the internal path. Whale is also a watery totem of the West. Envision Jonah in the belly of the whale, not knowing exactly how it will all turn out and you will capture the true essence of the West.
The element of the West is water. This refers not necessarily so much to the physical quality of water, or even its ability to cleanse, but to the essence of water - that it flows through life. Here we are asked to allow our emotions to flow freely and to gain insight on pure feeling and how to allow it to process. Here we also learn how to connect our emotions to balance the intellect to better inform our belief system.
The color of the West is Black. Not the black of "nothingness", but the black of "all things". It is the color of mystery and of the unconscious. It represents the field of all possibility as it pertains to our ability to create the life that we desire.
The Kingdom associated with the West is the Mineral Kingdom. This is the kingdom that holds and controls energy. It holds knowledge of our past and our future. Through the mineral kingdom we heal ourselves by finding our connection with both the past and the future.
The time period of the West is the future. We create our future in many ways - by the decisions we have made and actions we have taken in the past, by how we interact in the present, and by what we are destined to do with those future energies.
The season of the West is Autumn - a time of gentle change brought about through turning inward. Use the time of the West wisely to listen to what your body is trying to communicate to you through your feelings. Your feelings are feedback from your thoughts. Look at how your current actions and goals are affecting your future. What will you create?
Aspect: Emotional
Realm: Feelings
Matter: Liquid
Consciousness: (Dreamtime – sleep)
Attribute: Transformation
Keyword: Conceive
Plane: Astral
Brain Waves (South to West): Delta - 1-4 Hz (Deep Dreamless Sleep/Deep subconscious)
Earth Time: 6pm - Sunset
Astrological signs: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Planets: Venus, Mars, Saturn
Baqua: Creativity, Relationships (SW), Helpful People (NW)
Traits: Creativity, Passion, Expression, Intuition, Deep Knowing, Peace, Psychism, Shadow and Light, Shape Shifter, Change, New Opportunity, , Rest, Hibernation, Sabbatical, Flow, Longing, Hunger, Blending, Desire, Sexuality, Feelings, Astral Projection, Visions, Lucid Dreaming, Responsibility, Incubation, Confidence
Animal Guides: Whale, Bear
Alchemical Bird: Peacock
Kingdom: Mineral
Elemental Guide: Water
Season: Autumn (Autumnal Equinox – Beginning of the Hero’s Journey)
Time: Future
Chakra: Sacral/Brow (Third eye)
Sephirot: Netzah (Confidence)/Chessed (Mercy)
World: Yetzirah/Formative
Angelic Guide: Gabriel
Ritual: Releasing Ritual/VisionQuest
Practice: Silent Meditation/Dream Recall
Sutra/Mantra: Releasing Mantra - OM NAMAH SHIVAYA
Celestial Body: Moon
Breath: Inhale – full
Metaphors: Lawyer/Prosecutor, adult, cocoon, bud, plan, lion
Virtue: Courage
Love: Eros (romantic/passionate love)
Skill: Symbolic sight
Sense: Vision
Color: Black (color of all things)
Stones: Amethyst, Moonstone, Onyx, Pearl
Toltec Wisdom: Don’t make any assumptions
Instrument: Mask
Universal Law: Heal Yourself
Human need: Activity and Rest
Substance: Creativity/Sleep
Serenity Prayer: Courage to change the things I can…
Commandments: Thou shalt not murder, commit adultery or covet thy neighbor. Honor the Sabbath Day as a day of rest.
Sacrament: Confession (Clearing of the conscience)
Shadow: Worthlessness
Fear: I have no purpose.
Fall: Shame/Disgrace
Antidote: Glory/Honor
Ritual: Releasing Ritual/VisionQuest
Goal: Tell the truth about yourself to another
Activity: Write a letter or tell this truth about yourself to another.
Rx: Cord cutting, Negative Energy Removal, Violet Flame Decree, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neurolinquistics, Craniosacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, Lithomancy, Creative Visualization, Dream Interpretation, Art & Poetry Therapy, Creative Journaling, Water Ritual, Mask making, VisionQuest
WEST POINTS: Balance, Responsibility, Restoration
Intention: It is my intention to bring balance to my life by tapping into my unique creative force. | |
Affirmation: I take responsibility for my own human condition and seek to restore harmony with others in my life. | |
Result: I restore harmony and balance to myself and to my relationships through the reverberation of my own healing and the universal power of love and truth. |
Reference Twelve Steps: 7, 8, 9
Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. - Balance
Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. - Responsibility
Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. - Restoration
Beginning of the Hero’s Journey
Testing the waters
Belly of the whale
Letting things gel
Repositioning of priorities
Emptying and release of negativity and fear
Creating a void
Personal responsibility
Unfolding of Purpose
Embracing the Unknown
The Void of creation
The purpose of the right brain
Hearing your Inner Calling
Growing up
Doing without doing
Making amends and revisions
Period of incubation and pregnancy
Holding the space
Discovery of passion
Desire to receive in order to share
Getting your house in order
Quickening of purpose
Tapping into The Deep Magic of creation
A passion to create
Release of fear and what does not serve
Preparation for expansion
New ways of self expression
Hearing your heart song
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