The quality embraced by the South is trust and innocence. It is enjoying the experience of discovery, finding joy in new knowledge and learning how to let go of fears and false values and self-sabotaging beliefs which are conflicting with our deepest heart's desires. It is here where we heal the notions that we have taken to our hearts which no longer serve us and heal our broken heartedness.
The totem of the South is the Mouse and quite often the Coyote. Mouse is so small and defenseless against the rest of the world that he must rely on trust and instinct to live. Much larger forces are at work in the world, and Mouse understands how humble a creature he is in relation to all this. Coyote is the trickster - he shatters illusions with his hall of mirrors and laughs at himself. His lessons may sometimes be harsh, but they do bring us knowledge of ourselves. This teaches us to examine our own beliefs more closely and the thoughts and feelings that helped shape them, so we can reframe them.
The element of the South is Fire. Fire is radiant energy and signifies the torch that we carry in our heart. Fire contains great powers of cleansing and shape-shifting.
The color of the South is red - the color of life force (blood), heart, health and vitality.
The Kingdom associated with the South is the Plant Kingdom. To align yourself with the healing properties of the South - walk amongst this kingdom and work with flower essences. Touch the plants, touch the trees - share your energy with them, and they will share their energy and knowledge with you.
The time period of the South is the past. Emotions that we are holding on to, that are blocking us, are from the past. This is where we need to heal to restore our heart connection to the center of our being and to our head. We do this by understanding our own personal boundaries and how these boundaries are what truly give us the freedom to be who we are. We are fire...and fire must be contained in order to be creative and not destructive.
Through the South we become as children - we re-visit and make sense of our past, and we heal in present time through the power of love, compassion and forgiveness.
Aspect: Spiritual
Realm: Beliefs
Matter: Plasma
Consciousness: (Submerged Mind - Subconscious)
Attribute: Healing
Keyword: Believe
Brain Wave (East to South): Theta – 4-7 Hz (Drowsy/deep meditation/day dreaming/heightened state of creativity)
Plane: Spiritual
Earth Time: 12pm - High noon/midday
Astrological signs: Cancer, Leo, Virgo
Planets: Moon, Sun, Mercury
Baqua: Fame, Wealth (SE). Relationships (SW)
Traits: Love, Compassion, Reflection, Focused Attention, Introspection, Self-Care, Rectification, Redemption, Disclosure, Humor, Boundaries, Forgiveness, Contemplation, Surfacing, Family of origin, Inner Child integration, Close Inspection, Recollections, Reenactment, Self-Acceptance, Acceptance of others, Release of Judgment, Soul Retrieval, Vulnerability, Intimacy
Animal Guide: Coyote, Mouse
Alchemical Bird: White Swan
Kingdom: Plant
Elemental Guide: Fire
Season: Summer (Summer Solstice – Becoming the Wise One)
Time: Past
Chakra: Heart
Sephirot: Binah (Understanding)/ Chochma (Wisdom)/Tifereth (Love)
World: Atziluth/Archetypal
Angelic Guide: Raphael
Practice: Inner Child Visualization/Soul Retrieval
Sutra/Mantra: Loving-Kindness Meditation
Celestial Body: Sun
Breath: Exhale – empty
Metaphors: Jury, child, caterpillar, sprout, idea, tin man
Virtues: Justice
Love: Storge (parental love)
Skill: Integrity/honesty
Sense: Taste
Color: red
Stones: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Carnelian, Citrine
Toltec Wisdom: Don’t take anything personally.
Instrument: Medicine/Warrior Shield
Universal Law: Love Yourself
Human need: To Give and Receive Love
Substance: People/Animals
Serenity Prayer: To accept the things I cannot change…
Commandments: Honor Thy father and mother.
Sacrament: Eucharist (Ingesting the fruit of life - becoming human/embodiment of the divine in flesh & blood)
SHADOWLANDS:Shadow: Flawed
Fear: I am defective and unloveable.
Fall: Loss of Innocence
Antidote: Trust
Ritual: Letter to Inner Child/Candle ceremony
Goal: Tell the truth to yourself about another
Activity: Write about one time that another has betrayed, deceived or harmed you.
Rx: Walking/Active Meditation, Journaling, Acupuncture, Past Life Regression, Brief Psychotherapy, Spiritual Direction, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Journey Meditation, Inner Child Healing, Animal Therapy, Forgiveness Journey, Color Therapy, Botanical/Herbal Therapy, Sacred Shield, Sweat Lodge
SOUTH POINTS: Contemplation, Surfacing, Forgiveness
Intention: It is my intention to contemplate my internal belief system by exploring my inner most hidden feelings. | |
Affirmation: I allow my wounds and mistaken beliefs to gently surface, so that I may begin to release and heal them. | |
Result: I
heal my heart through the universal power of love, compassion and
forgiveness. |
Reference Twelve Steps: 4, 5, 6
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. - Contemplation
Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. - Surfacing
Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. - Forgiveness
Exploration of significant past relationships and events
Zooming in
Discernment versus Judgment
Linking of current behaviors to past events
New understanding of family roles
Realization of mistaken beliefs
Not taking things personally
Relationships as mirrors
What I see in you that I see in me…
Seeing the wounds of others
Boundaries equal freedom
Unconditional Love versus Absolute Love
Revealing the code
Clues to the lies
A Plate cannot be unbroken
Re-enactment and resolution of childhood/parent issues
Release of unhealthy parental bonds and roles
Relationship as teachers
Reframing core beliefs
Sensing and connecting with inner children
Retrieval and Integration of inner children
Compassion for self and others
Forgiveness of self and others
The Power of Love
The Power of Fire
Repair of energetic and psychic wounds
Restored capacity to give and receive love
Connection of head to the heart
The Mouth of the Soul
An Opening of the heart
Restoration of Intimacy
Readiness to move into the future
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