You will have made a great deal of progress in restoring the conduits to your Will center. These channels work both ways; your center can better inform your life and you will be able to better interpret your life and stay more connected to your center. You will become more aware of your energetic body and notice increased skill in integrating higher vibrating positive energies into your reality. It is here that you will tap into your altruistic nature and the joy of working for the greater good and it will be in alignment with your own highest good.
It is from your center that your Will becomes re-connected to your highest and finest good, and your hopes, dreams and desires will emanate from your purest essence, uncorrupted by negative thoughts, misunderstood feelings and mistaken beliefs. It is here that your Higher Self and your human body can merge and become the lightening rod to bring heaven down to earth.
You might want to consider going around the wheel again to continue working through issues and to actively work with the ascension process. You may move through as many journey's as you choose. See you on the wheel!
DESTINATION - CENTERQuestion: Where am I going?
Aspect: Soul – Higher Self
Realm: Oneness
Matter: Superconductors (Fiber optics/Glass)
Consciousness: Super Consciousness/Non-Local Awareness
Attribute: Will
Brain waves: Gamma - 40 Hz + (Ultra High level consciousness/cognition/perception)
Plane: Ethereal/Imagination
Traits: Freedom, Gratitude, Completion, Destiny, Remembering, Beauty, The gap, The doorway, Sacred Sexuality, True Intimacy, Perfection, Wholeness, Oneness, Unification, Overflowing, Decisions, Choice, Reverence, Desire, Humility, Internal Flame, Free Will, Imagination, Life force, Altruism, Interdependence, Internalization, Ecstasy
Animal Guides: Unicorn, Dragon
Alchemical Bird: Phoenix
Elemental Guide: Spirit/Life Force
Season: All Seasons
Time: Eternity/Infinity
Chakra: Solar Plexis/Crown
Sephirot: Keter (Crown)/Tiferet (Beauty/Loving-kindness)
World: Integration axis
Angelic Guide: Metatron
Practice: Higher Self Meditation, Toning/Music
Sutra/Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum
Celestial Body: Universe/Cosmos/Black hole
Breath: Exhale - Empty
Metaphors: Judge, Ancestor, roots, Wizard of Oz
Virtues: Selflessness
Love: Agape (unconditional/spiritual love)/Tough Love
Skill: Empathy
Sense: Hearing (Third ear or Deep Listening)
Color: Gold/Silver
Stones: Clear Quartz, Kyanite, Opal, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond
Toltec Wisdom: The Mastery of Love
Instrument: Candle
Universal Law: Love One Another
Human need: To exist/Sex
Substance: No thing/All things
Serenity Prayer: Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as a pathway to peace and love.
Commandments: Love thy neighbor as thyself. Love One Another.
Sacrament: Marriage/Extreme Unction (Anointing the Sick)
Shadow: Death
Fear: I am going to die.
Fall: Death/Separation
Antidote: Eternal Life/Re-unification
Ritual: Gift of the Shaman Initiation
Goal: Tell the truth to everyone about everything
Rx: Higher Self Meditation, Soul Coaching, Music Therapy, Angel Therapy, Light Therapy, Altar making, Drum making, Channeling, Contemplative Prayer, Sacred Ritual, Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Active Imagination Journeying, Astral Travel, Adam Kadmon Activation, Shamanic Initiation
Desire to Receive in order to Share
Conviction of the heart
Soul connection
As above, so below
Everything and nothing
The field of all possibilities
Profound integration with the unseen
The place from which miracles emanate
The power of choice
The power of imagination
The energetic body
Door to everything
Body as a Temple
Being Love Incarnate
Connecting to the ultimate source
Unconditional Pure Love
Sacred Marriage
Pure sexuality
Divine Union
Communion with your Higher Power
Integration of your Higher Self
Reception or channeling of high teachings
Being a Conduit for Divine Love
Alignment of your will with divine will
Perceiving Your Inner Fire, Spark or Flame
Higher Plane of Intelligence
The magic and science of Universal Law
Integration of the Artist and the Scientist
Connecting to Spirit
Still, small voice
Where common sense and gut instinct converge
Comfort and joy
Being in The Now
State of grace
Field of all possibilities
In the gap
Across the abyss
Collective consciousness and the Eternal Will To Good
Transcendental wisdom
Purity of mind
Yin and yang
The Great Mystery
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