The totem of the North is the Buffalo. Buffalo energy is that of abundance - in supporting the sustaining of life through the giving of itself for food, clothing and more, and of prayer - the giving of thanks for all that has been received. Another totem of the North is the Owl, a universal symbol for wisdom and mystery.
The element of the North is earth. Earth is passive, receptive and nurturing. A deep connection with earth is needed to bring ourselves into balance with the Universe.
The color of the North is White - that of balance and purity - the combination of all colors. White represents ones highest aspirations.
The Kingdom associated with the North is the Animal Kingdom. We learn from the soul of animals in two ways - by watching how they interact with their environment, and by allowing them to connect with us on a soul level.
The time period of the North is Momentary or Now. When we are fully present to our life, to our selves and to others we are able to have a richer experience of our life and are able to create our lives with greater ease. Be Here Now is the catch phrase of this direction. Be in your body, stay present to the reality of your creations and all will be revealed to you.
The season of the North is Winter - a time of preparation and regeneration.
Use the time of the North to find your soul's purpose for this lifetime. All is as it should be, now take it from there.
Aspect: Physical (Body)
Realm: Actions
Matter: Solids
Consciousness: Absolute Mindfulness
Attribute: Manifestation
Keyword: Receive
Brain waves (West to North): Beta - 12-40 Hz (Alert/Working)
Plane: Physical
Earth Time: 12am - Midnight
Astrological signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Planets: Saturn, Saturn, Jupiter
Baqua: Career, Knowledge (NE), Helpful People (NW)
Traits: Independence, Purpose, Integration, Wholeness, Wisdom, Ancestors, Physical Wellness, Radiance, Vibrance, Vitality, Eating for Life, Connection, Legacy, Reciprocity, Equanimity, Self Actualization, Birth and Rebirth, Renewal, Demystification, Productivity, Prosperity, Abundance
Animal Guides: Turtle, Butterfly
Alchemical Bird: Pelican
Kingdom: Animal
Elemental Guide: Earth
Season: Winter (Winter Solstice – Awakening the Magician Within)
Time: Now/Moment
Chakra: Root
Sephirot: Malkuth (manifestation)/Yesod (Foundation)
World: Assiah/Material
Angelic Guide: Uriel
Practice: Walking Meditation
Sutra/Mantra: Heart Mantra – Gate, Gate, Para Gate, Parasam Gate, Bhodi, Svaha
Celestial Body: Earth
Breath: Exhale - Empty
Metaphors: Executioner, elder, butterfly, full bloom, Dorothy
Virtues: Temperence
Love: Absolute/Self Love
Skill: Balance
Sense: Touch
Color: White (absence of color)
Stones: Turquoise, Red Jasper, Tiger Eye, Amber, Petrified Wood
Toltec Wisdom: Always Do Your Best.
Instrument: Staff or Medicine Bundle
Universal Law: To Thine Own Self Be True
Human need: To Consume and Eliminate
Substance: Food/Water
Serenity Prayer: And the wisdom to know the difference.
Commandment: Do not steal or cheat. Do not take the name of God in vain.
Sacrament: Baptism (Birth - total immersion in water)/Holy Orders (Divine Life Purpose)
Shadow: Imperfection
Fear: I am not whole.
Fall: Destruction
Antidote: Creation
Ritual: TBA
Goal: Tell your truth about another to that other.
Activity: Write a letter or tell your truth about another to that other.
Rx: Nutritional Therapy, Exercise & Fitness Training, Walking Meditation, Bloodwork Analysis, BodyTalk, BioFeedback, Massage and Bodywork, Raindrop Therapy, Healing Touch, Detox footbaths/patches, Nutritional Detox, Substance Detox,Spa Treatments, Life & Business Coaching, Financial planning/management, career planning
NORTH POINTS: Integrity, Reunificaton, Gratitude
Intention: It is my intention to live in the light of truth and embody integrity. | |
Affirmation: I nurture my connection to my Center by steadfastly seeking to reunify my Body, Mind, Heart and Soul as I align my Free Will with my Higher Purpose. | |
Result: I embrace that which I am and live in gratitude for the abundance and grace that is my birthright, as I graciously receive in order to share my legacy. |
Reference Twelve Steps: 10, 11, 12
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. - Integrity
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. – Reunification
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. - Grace
Awakening the Magician Within
Manifesting your destiny
Being in your body
Reclaiming your personal power
Humans as co-creators
Divinity of Humanity
Merging of your will and divine will
Walking the talk
Passion for Excellence & Beauty
Overwhelming gratitude
Unplugging from the Matrix
In service to others
Receiving of the Light
Physical vitality
Mastery of both worlds
As above, so below
Sharing of gifts
The power of being human
Capturing ancient wisdom
Working the Deep Magic
Culmination and completion
Pay it Forward
Communion with Spirit and the unseen world
The power of ritual and ceremony
Becoming and Remembering
Integration of past, present and future
Bearing the Torch
Radiant Beauty
Coming Home
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